

对于旅行作家来说,在洪都拉斯的罗扬岛岛上研究这样的海滩,这一切都在工作。©Amy E. Robertson。


I remember as a kid telling my mother that I would live on spaghetti noodles and canned tuna fish when I grew up, so that I could save the rest of my money for traveling. I didn’t even have a passport back then, and the only foreign country I’d been to was Canada, a 3-hour drive from my hometown of Seattle. What was once the occasional trip has become indefinite relocation abroad. The more time I spend overseas, the more aware I become of the variety of ways to make a dream of living abroad a reality. For anyone else dreaming of making international travel a way of life rather than an occasional event, here are nine ways to make it happen:

1. Teaching Jobs Overseas

金宝搏8世界教英语(或任何母语可能是什么)是海外工作的一种流行选择。大量有关188188188b.com金宝博is available on Transitions Abroad. No more than native fluency in English and a Bachelor’s degree are needed for many opportunities to teach English inJapan,,,,泰国,,,,and elsewhere.

不需要对孩子的热爱 - 英国议会和塞万提斯学院等地方在数十个国家 /地区设有分支机构,并聘请母语人士为成年人教书。前者与English teaching certifications or willing to gain one,而后者提供了自己的有关如何教西班牙语的课程。Neither restricts its teachers by nationality.

If your specialty is in another subject (history, math, science, PE, etc.) and you have a teaching degree, international schools are constantly looking for teachers to bring an international flavor to their staff body, for nursery through high school. A list of resources for certified teachers can be found in this教学资源部分,其中最重要的是这International Educator,其中列出了世界各地学校的教学工作。

另一种选择是从您选择的位置在线教英语,这是由这位成功的长期老师提供的,并在他的课程中移居”这Ultimate Guide to Teaching English Online!”。

2. Study

Author in Spain for study abroad
在西班牙的艾米·罗伯逊(Amy E.©Amy E. Robertson。

同样,国外的过渡有无数关于留学的文章,这些文章充满了一些技巧和建议。在高中一级,重金宝搏app 可靠吗要的是要确保在您的祖国或国外的一年中获得学分。交换计划,例如由Rotary International或者EF可以使它更容易。

At the college level, many universities offer their own study abroad program, such as the one I attended through my alma mater波士顿大学在西班牙马德里。既定的计划都为您提供许多细节,并且在BU上,大多数计划费用都由常规的学费支付。(BU现在在36个目的地提供留学,甚至包括“海上学期”,其中24个课程也向非BU学生开放。)

It’s also possible to directly enroll at a university overseas. Many international universities offer degrees in English, such as Bocconi University in Milan and Copenhagen Business School in Demark (where my husband once did a semester abroad). Direct enrollment can be an especially good fit for a graduate degree, as there is less hand-holding and can therefore require a bit more independence and management skills than undergraduate study abroad programs. My family is a big fan of graduate studies abroad: I obtained my Master’s degree from the London School of Economics (where I met my husband, who comes from Italy), my brother-in-law got his Master’s at the University of Hamburg in Germany and his Ph.D. at the University of Rotterdam in the Netherlands (both programs in English), and his Italian/Venezuelan wife is now working on her second Master’s degree at Duke University in the U.S.

不需要强大的外语能力:即使在北美和欧洲以外,也有许多位于中东和亚洲的英语大学(包括美国的哨所)。(这本国外的过渡文章讨论了大师在东南亚的计划, 例如。)



这British organizationVSOoffers 6 to 24 month assignments for professionals with at least two years’ work experience between the ages of 24 and 75. They have opportunities in: teaching and education; health; engineering, technical and vocational areas; business management and IT; community and social development; agriculture and natural resources; and communications and fundraising. While volunteers are expected to fundraise around US$1,500, they do receive accommodation, a living allowance, and one return flight from the UK to the placement.

Peace Corps曾经是最近大学毕业生的领域,现在提供各种志愿者计划。它的大学课程提供了将和平队服务与研究生学位相结合的机会,以及奖学金计划,该计划在完成国际服务后提供了经济援助,以换取服务不足的社区。和平队的反应有3到12个月的机会,对于具有农业,社区经济发展,灾难准备和反应,教育,环境,健康,IT和青年发展的专业人士。标准和平队计划在海外24个月。欢迎各个年龄段的志愿者,包括高级退休人员。一些机会接受夫妇;一些人直接接受申请人,而另一些人最多需要五年的工作经验。

Teaching is again an option, and non-certified teachers are occasionally recruited to teach at smaller schools as volunteers. Arrangements are often made either directly with the school or through a local organization. To give just one example,Bilingual Education for Central America在洪都拉斯经营三所学校,为教师培训的Prograhttps://becaschools.org/get-involved/volunteer-teaching-program/m提供志愿者的房间和董事会,再加上第二年的津贴。


除了志愿服务外,还为拥有医疗保健学位的人提供了有偿国际职位。在获得新国家 /地区练习医学许可的同时,对nurses更容易见面,而全球的重大失衡意味着,来自菲律宾和黎巴嫩等地方的护士被招募到欧洲和美国工作,而来自美国和欧洲的护士正前往波斯湾等地方。国际非政府组织始终迫切需要护士和医生(尤其是具有法语技能)没有边界的医生 / MSF


许多西方政府为海外工作提供了两种不同的选择:作为外交服务的一部分或发展援助的一部分。在美国,这些职业是国务院和美国国际开发署。对于美国外交服务,有五个职业轨道:领事,经济,管理,政治和公共外交。这国务院网站有有关每个信息的详细信息,甚至有一个测验,以确定哪个可能是最合适的信息。进入外交服务具有很高的竞争力,但是那些愿意考虑不太受欢迎的职业赛道(例如领事或管理层)的人有更好的进入机会。但是,外交服务并不是全部魅力:愿意在艰辛的职位上服役是绝对的要求(想想阿富汗或伊拉克)。大部分工作USAID在国际发展中,但他们也需要旅行或计算机专家,财务管理等。在美国公民的海外工作也可以找到USAJOBSwebsite, which is searchable by region. At the time of writing, many engineering jobs were available, and even paid summer internships in Africa for students 16 and older.




7.记者 /作家 /摄影师

尽管最终成为《纽约时报》外国通讯员需要一些严重的证书,但仍有可能成为自由职业者的国际新闻学。您可以向全球任何媒体进行一次性的作品,并可能成为其中一个或多个的纵梁(常规贡献者)。请记住,在考虑您的作品媒体时,要在盒子里思考 - 您在斯洛伐克的作品可能比伦敦的读者更受欢迎,而不是回到家乡底特律的读者。


Writing about or photographing tourism in your destination for outlets around the world (in English or your preferred language) is another way to earn an income, although as most travel writers will tell you, it’s a tough business to have as your only source of income. Freelance editing and copywriting is another way to supplement earnings. While living in Quito, Ecuador, I picked up several clients by reaching out to the managers of hotels, restaurants and tour companies when I noticed errors in the English-language version of their brochures, websites and menus.

住在黎巴嫩时,参观了西顿的十字军海城。©Amy E. Robertson。

8. Hospitality and Airlines

而se are industries where the most international opportunities are found at the top, airlines typically send a station manager from the home country to oversee operations in most destinations. International hotel chains, on the other hand, typically have expatriate general managers, and also often recruit senior staff internationally for operations, human resources, and even chefs.


如果没有提及当下的海外工作:数字游牧民族,任何有关国际生活方式的文章都不完整。顾名思义,游牧民族往往是巡回的,而不是锚定在一个地方,利用其独立于位置的工作来实现全球旅行。那里有很多旅行博客作者,经常通过货币化策略获得他们的写作和摄影技巧收入。山羊covers and embodies the subject of income generation as travel bloggers very well. Many other sites, including TransitionsAbroad.com, offer articles that discuss setting up and using travel blogs, with examples of在经济上成功的旅行博客作者

作者兼博客作者蒂姆·莱夫尔(Tim Leffel)讨论了旅行博客和许多其他类型的虚拟工作的好处。Indeed, tech skills beyond blogging, such as SEO, content creation, social media consulting, and web and software development, can create a lot more opportunities to earn an income. In fact, bloggers are the minority of digital nomads, withyoga coaches,,,,心理治疗师and even doctors finding ways to be location-independent nowadays. In sum, there are countless websites currently serving as marketplaces between freelancers and employers, with this article on自由职业资源回顾一些最受欢迎的。

艾米·罗伯逊(Amy E. Robertson) 艾米·罗伯逊(Amy E. Robertson)是作者拉丁美洲的志愿假期(2013年,月亮手册)。她的著作已发表在NPR,副Munchies,Budget Travel,Delta Sky,National Geagraphing Traveler,Wall Street Journal,Christian Science Monitor和Travel + Leisure等上发表。艾米(Amy)居住在六个国家,旅行超过60个。她的志愿者经验包括在华盛顿州和洪都拉斯建造房屋,监视厄瓜多尔的总统选举,与青年在玻利维亚的社交纪录片合作,并在西雅图和贝鲁特的汤厨房享用午餐。她在国际发展和非营利管理方面具有背景,并在私营和非营利部门既有工作。

You may see Amy's many articles for us, her numerous books, and her expanded bio page这里

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