Guide to Work, Study, Travel and Living Abroad

The Expat’s Survival Guide: Part 4

How to Manage Transitions in Your International Career and Life Abroad


Whether you work within the confines of a branch office of a major multinational or in an agile quick-moving start-up, in these days of global economic turmoil, no company or employee seems to be untouchable when it comes to an oncoming re-organization, merger or downsizing.


经过合并并成为被“多余”的受害者,我完全理解寒冷的脊椎爬上了一个人的脊椎,最小的提及内部重组。如今,从未张开双臂欢迎意外的变化。即使变化带来了积极的结果,我们的最初反应也是怀疑论之一。现在,在国外为一家意大利公司工作时幸存下来,我可以说以下……真的很糟糕!我想我可以找到更多有礼貌的话来传达我的感受,但确实确实很烂。一年多来,我和我的同事们通过许多无济于事或更好地尚未重新组织需要重新组织的部门或团队的重组来进行众多重组。(有些需要重新组织整个前门!)在这段时间里,我们生活在两极分化的士气和动力状态,而高级管理层则竭尽所能保护他们的脂肪,不当的薪水。让我告诉你,这不是“ Dolce Vita”,几次我发现自己说:“我在这里做什么。”这些是我不得不提醒自己过去取得的所有进步的时期,并且将来会继续取得的成就。尽管仍然有很多不确定性,但我可以说,我对自己想要的东西和到达那里的必要下一步步骤有更清晰的愿景。



Handling Chaos at Your Workplace Abroad


在某些国外市场上工作的好处是,有一系列法律,保护员工和工会的法律超出了工厂地板,这些法律超出了非执行级别的企业走廊和员工的办公室。但是,这种保护似乎也正在褪色……最后,如果公司决定关闭(或必须关闭)或全部操作,则不会停止不可避免的事情。只要看一下Alitalia Airlines(即使这是一个极端的案例),但即使注入了100亿欧元,它仍然陷入破产的边缘。有一次,将近20,000名员工的工作受到威胁。幸运的是,在撰写本文时,一群投资者签署了拯救刚起步的航空公司。尽管Alitalia又生活了一天,但我们不能忽略一个事实,即内部的人们一直在为他们的专业命运感到痛苦。每天都在头条新闻上看到公司的名字及其持续的损失并不容易。尽管心理酷刑是不可接受的,但在当今的劳动力中,这就像往常一样。



生存意味着什么?您仍然有一份工作,正在收到薪水;您尚未检查自己进入精神病院;您的家人,朋友和伴侣仍在定期与您交谈;或者您没有经历大量的体重增加/损失。实际上,这些仅提供短期满意度。我认为,生存不会失去对自己和周围的人的自我尊重和信心 - 无论您是否仍然受雇。最后,如果您仍坚持自己的工作和薪水,无论如何您都将动员求职。在这样的困难时期,您将看到同事和经理的真实颜色。如果情况处理不佳,那么您就知道该走了。


1)下一步是什么?In both good times and in bad, you should always try to stay one step ahead of the game. This is especially true when your fate is in the hands of someone else. And if you find yourself in a nice set up and comfortable surroundings... then thinking about the next move becomes particularly difficult. After being downsized from a merger, a career counselor from an outplacement firm gave me excellent advice. The career counselor told me that from day one on a new job you should be thinking about your internal (inside your current company) and external strategy. Meaning you should have some idea of how long you want or can stay in a particular work situation. Today, three to four years in a position is long enough, and you should not be judged negatively for doing so. Do not fool yourself though. There are no more safe, lifetime jobs in any establishment.

Survival tip:这不是您每天都需要痴迷的事情。但是,如果您建立了一些关键的里程碑(即,在公司内部和外部见面的许多人,联网的团体加入,进行职业研究,追求机会,额外的教育或培训课程以完成等)指定的时间范围,这将使您以提供一定平衡的方式向前迈进,您需要将时间花在职业生涯中,以及时间放松和享受自己的时间。在这里,写下您的计划并保留日记会很有帮助外籍人士的生存指南 - 寻找国际工作。If you want to return home with the same company, it will be necessary to establish and maintain contact with the appropriate colleagues and senior executives in your home country.

2) Turn off the radar。在变化时期,我们都会生长兔子耳朵。我们的听力达到了超人的水平。奇迹般地,我们可以听到毫无疑问地讨论我们个人命运的大厅的同事。面对现实吧,我们倾向于坚持到每个单词,并为我们的八卦赋予价值。就像一只听到迎面掠食者的兔子一样,我们开始在恐惧中抽搐和冲刺,而不必先思考。在遇到困难的时期,我自己的导师一次又一次地告知我,以调整谣言。让我告诉你,说起来容易做起来难。

Survival tip:Remember that a rumor is a rumor until proven true. Facts or updates about change will, or should, be communicated to you through official channels and usually come in the form of an official correspondence – on company stationary. Generally, in times of change a select group of high-level executives are the only ones privy to the outcome and fate of the employees, therefore it is imperative that you disregard the insights and assumptions of your intern, the newly hired graduate, your fellow colleagues, the cleaning staff, or anyone else. The fact of the matter is—unless you are in the upper echelons of your company—you are not in the know! I don’t wish to bruise your ego. Just let the gossip go in one ear and out the other. In the event that you hear some alarming news that involves you in any way, shape or form; take it up with your boss or HR immediately. (Obviously, approach them in a professional manner.) And for the record, it is completely unacceptable behavior on the part of your employer if you learn your fate via gossip at the coffee machine. But unfortunately, this does happen. I learned of an upcoming layoff—of which I was a part—through a colleague who sent me email expressing his sympathy for my situation. If you have questions, try to find out who you can turn to for dependable answers. I have learned that in Italy, HR tends work in the best interest of the senior management team, making it very difficult for employees who have problems with their supervisors.

3)前进-一步一步来。我们的最初反应是瘫痪之一。我们不知道该怎么办。即使结束似乎近在咫尺,还是将自己转变为求职者的兰博,我们是否应该专注于我们的工作?事实是,如果您的雇主仍在向您付款,那么您必须完成工作 - 不再,也不再。但是,制定一个计划,使您可以始终向前迈进,并有效地利用空闲时间。您移动的速度将取决于即将到来的变化。您如何确定即将到来的变化的速度?它将包括事实(来自官方公司渠道的事实)和您的直觉的混合。

Survival tip:如果您发现自己在很明显的情况下发生了负面变化,请不要惊慌。如果您从一开始就转移了职业生涯,那么您可能处于良好的位置。另外,请务必查看您的合同条款,因为通常有专门针对提前终止的部分。如果您的公司由于合同或公司政策而欠您很多钱或遣散的形式,这可能会花更多的时间。无论如何,将一些具体的截止日期放置在适当的位置,并告知您与当前雇主的未来不确定。继续您的搜索,并尝试将最大时间花在它上。不要看起来绝望。请记住,求职是一个数字游戏。您只需找到一个适合您的职位。但是发现这个位置; requires lots of work – research, networking, and good interviewing skills. This means following every lead until the end. For example, if you interview with a potential employer and they say that they will be in touch with you in a week’s time and you do not hear from them, let it go. If you have done everything you should do (with the necessary thank yous and follow ups) then that particular lead is dead for the time being—there is no need to dwell upon it. Come back to it down the line. You should be working on the next lead. If job searching within a foreign country, make sure your legal documents are up to date and you understand your rights. For example, you might have the legal right only to work for a specific employer. Explore your options and understand your limitations.


Survival tip:从国外的时间开始,在办公室外开发网络将很重要。原因是无数的。正如大多数人会告诉您的那样,您的个人关系和友谊将与您的专业人士一样重要。

5)不要害怕改变。In the end whether you like it or not if change is coming and there is little you can do about it. What you can control are your own actions.

Survival tip:不用听谣言和诅咒老板,不如明智地利用您的时间。这意味着,审查您的职业计划,并采取措施改变您的情况:拨打电话,发送电子邮件,研究特定的机会,准备面试等。。



莱斯利·斯特拉泽洛(Leslie Strazzullo)
Expat's Survival Guide Part 1: How to Go From Expatriate to Compatriot
Expat's Survival Guide Part 2: How to Search for International Jobs


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