
How to Move Your Possessions Overseas

How to move your possessions abroad

The decision has been made. It may be for pleasure. It may be for a mixture of reasons. But one thing is for sure. Moving abroad creates the need for a labyrinth of lists that need to be checked off before you set sail to the new place you will be calling home. One of the top items on that mile-long list is how to deliver your beloved belongings to the foreign land of choice.


  1. Once you have made the decision to make the move, start separating out belongings that are absolute requirements in your life abroad, what stuff is ready to go to a new home and which items (if any) will need a place of storage while you are away.将这些物品分开可以占用空间。如果卧室,车库或大壁橱之类的区域可以是分裂事物的指定组织区域,那就太好了。

  2. Plan on having a garage sale at least a month before leaving.This helps to get rid of the definite not-needed items, earn a few extra dollars, and create space to help organize the leftovers. A way to incorporate some fun into the event is to throw a barbecue/going away party. Invite the neighborhood, friends, and family to rifle through your castaway belongings before the general public is allowed. Though it may be a little harder to haggle for a good price with a friend or loved one, at least you will know it went to a good home.

  3. 随着“要运送”物品的堆的生长,现在开始寻找坚固的盒子,大小不同的气泡包裹和胶带强壮。您越早开始组织,列出了这些物品,并仔细包装它们,从长远来看,您就会越快乐。直到最后一分钟不要留下。您的宝贵物品值得更好。尽管可以雇用您的搬家公司包装,盒子和标记所有东西,但很高兴知道在海关官员决定打开板条箱时,确切地知道一切都在哪里。当您将物品放入盒子中时,有一个朋友或亲人的帮助,请写下详细的列表。详细的库存列表将是您的朋友,稍后再上路。另外,使用比您想象的要多的胶带和气泡包裹(或用于缓冲的衣服和毯子)。额外的填充物和胶带将帮助您的商品进行安全航行。

  4. Check with your new country to find out the restrictions or duties on bringing your United States household goods into the country.每个国家都不同。有些是缺乏的;其他人将大量征税或禁止它们一起征税。例如,阿根廷不允许电视等电子产品对汽车的价值发布80%的税款。

  5. Choosing a moving company.在当今的环球旅行世界中,将其他人的个人物品在国际上移动的业务已经超越了一个公司的垄断。因此,在那里的不同公司做作业至关重要。无论您是位于美国西海岸还是东海岸,都有许多操作将有助于该过程。根据最终目的地的位置,雇用多家企业以帮助在美国领土内运送货物,在发货前存储货物以及最终转移到End静止位置可能是有益的。

    Most companies base their shipping fees on the amount of weight per container (or a portion of a container if your shipment is minimal). Also, the price varies greatly whether shipping via air, road, or sea. Obviously, going the water route is slower and less costly. Other aspects that make the final bill less cheap include packing materials and labor costs attached if they do the packing, loading, and shipping to the place of departure, clearing of customs at destinations, and the final delivery. Make sure to ask for a transparent pricing list, references or testimonials from past clients, the ability to have a means of tracking the goods, and insurance options.

    提出的另一个重要主题是确保您的商品在所需的时间内到达。搬家公司将了解运输时间以及您的物品应开始旅行。质疑的另一个方面是公司的证书。询问他们是否是FIDI的成员(为了维护国际搬迁公司升级为高级商业道德的组织),并通过ISO 9002,注册的国际搬运工认证和海外推动力网络International认证。

  6. Insurance.保险可以是多级别的,具体取决于您的最终目的地。当然,在发货时获得保险是至关重要的。大多数运输公司都提供保险单。确保您的投资的另一种方法是与您的祖国保险代理商有关您的房屋保险单。某些政策将涵盖您在国外的商品,或者在运输途中提供扩展。

  7. Getting your stuff through customs.This is an important part of the equation. Some countries are more lenient and not too investigative when foreigner’s personal belongings come through the line-up. The variation in standards can even depend upon the individual customs’ station and each different agent when it comes to the way things are handled. If you do not speak the language, it is highly suggested to hire a company to assist with the paperwork. The shipping company that you are dealing with will most likely know a customs agent. If not, the country’s embassy should have a list of reputable businesses.

  8. 根据新国家,带来个人汽车可能很容易或困难。询问大使馆任何限制。如前所述,可能会对汽车的价值征税,您将需要显示标题,VIN号码和乘车细节的多个公证副本。A couple of points to think about when deciding whether or not to bring the car: is the car going to be difficult to be serviced in the new country and will it stand out like a sore thumb (some countries demand the original country’s license plate to remain in use).

  9. Can the family pet come?That was a requirement when we were choosing where to live abroad. Most countries have thrown out the quarantine idea — though it is vital to ask your new country’s embassy the rules and regulations (and a word to the wise — ask more than once, sometimes things change or the person asked was not exactly in the know.) There are a few different aspects that are similar across the board. An official veterinarian’s health, vaccination and history report must accompany the pet at all time as well as an appropriately sized crate. There are businesses created solely to assist you with the move of your furry friend; everything from a horse to a snake has made the move to a life in a foreign land. If your pet is small enough to fit under the airline seat or is a search and rescue animal it may be able to ride with you in the cabin of the plane.不同的航空公司有不同的政策和方法来将宠物移到国外

If you start your packing early, do your homework with country regulations and research the different moving company options, you will avoid headaches down the road. It will give you the chance to do what really matters when moving abroad; staying in the moment when saying goodbye to loved ones, seeing new and exciting things while making the transition, and learning the ways and words of your new chosen culture.

For More Info on Moving and Living Overseas


Britannia International Movers


Atlas International

A1 Auto Transport International



美国人生活和出国旅行(part of USA.gov)


American Association of Retired Persons (AARP)



The Independent Pet and Animal Transportation Association (IPATA)维护一份冗长的宠物移动服务列表,并提供有关选择好的指南。

Animal Land Pet Movers

Air Animal Pet Movers


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