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Expatriate Writing Contest2010 Finalist
Expatriate Writing Contest Finalist

Living and Teaching English in Vietnam



It’s 6:30 a.m. and ten minutes ago, I was asleep, dreaming about a beach, a boat and some beer. Now, I am on my feet, listening to the early morning lament of a woman selling bread on my street. I may be in bed now, but in 45 minutes I will be in front of a classroom, wearing with an orange tie, ready to teach English to Vietnamese school children with the aid of a few scrunched up pieces of paper and the type of enthusiasm which can only derive from hopeless love.


I ride to work on bicycles. In winter, the journey is gloomy and frigid. In summer though, it is the nicest time of the day and the Hanoians know it. There is a market at the end of my street and if I wanted, I could take my pick of fresh cut pig leg, pineapple, or lychees sitting in a basket. My colleagues buy loads of apple-pears and then slice them up for us all to enjoy. There is something sacred about gathering in the morning over shared fruit.

When I first came here, a friend set me up with a job interview. The director of the school was easy going, and ready to see me teach. Could I start the next evening? I spent the rest of that day buying supplies and marveling at how, at any moment, something is happening, from the man selling handmade clay figurines, to the lilting speech of gossiping flower women.



Scooters, motocycles, and bikes coexist in Hanoi
Scooters, motocycles, and bikes coexist in Hanoi.


The first lesson is the hardest. I remember walking into the classroom and receiving a boisterous reception from 25 children, all of them eager to clutch pieces of my clothing and chat about English football. A support teacher sat in the corner marking homework. I went over to her, babbling nonsense about what my方法to this lesson was going to be. I had over-planned it by about two and 1/2 half hours—that is what new teachers tend to do. The support teacher did not understand a word I was saying and the children all clambered around me: “你的名字是什么,你已经结婚了,你是你的 - 你不是你爱越南人吗?你的女朋友叫什么名字,她怎么了?”我学到的比孩子学得多。首先,我怀疑自己已经发现了自己的激情 - 即兴演奏,精心计划和戏剧的奇怪混合。

这些天,我看到新老师到达现场:急切的面孔,刚从飞机上崭露头角,在等待上课开始时紧张地抓着工作箱。这份工作三年,有时我觉得自己是一个老黑客。曾经让我呆了几个小时的课程从记忆中融合在一起,从备用工具包中进行了几次练习,也许是我正在尝试的新事物。孩子们每天都设法让我感到惊讶。当我今天走进第一堂课时,一个认真的男孩剃光头,少数神奇宝贝卡在门口面对我。他想问我为什么我首先要离开澳大利亚。他说:“他们有袋鼠。”我不能马上回答他。我不确定当您发现一些特别的呼唤或愿景时,我是否可以说出这种感觉。也许这只是一种兴奋,充满了日常生活的碎片,例如一个漂亮的女士的害羞微笑,或者是卖给我的男人的脾气暴躁的承认phonoodle soup. So perhaps I will just tell the little boy that I have found “Cuộc sống,”在越南语中的意思是life

Girl praying at a Pagoda in Hanoi

For More Info


辩论愤怒。有些人会坚持您需要适当的资格,而另一些人则挥舞着您。在做任何事情之前,您应该意识到越南的签证要求。即使要访问也需要签证 - 在您自己的国家,很容易申请一个或三个月的旅游签证。正式地,如果要上班,您需要工作签证。知名的学校应提供赞助您的工作签证,以便您拥有合适的资格。通常,您需要学士学位才能为您提供赞助您。当您寻找工作时,希望您还拥有TEFL证书或CELTA证书。使用这些工具,您不应该找到任何课程。虽然可以在没有这些资格的情况下找到工作,但很难找到赞助您的签证的学校,这反过来又将很难在越南合法工作。

How will you find work?

There are two options: you can try to set up work before you go, or, like me, you can wait until you have are in the country before you approach employers. There are merits to both options. Consider the first one. Larger language schools recruit from overseas. Reputable schools like阿波罗andBritish Counciland语言链接在国际上做广告,您将在Top English Teaching jobs in Vietnam。It is possible to negotiate a contract, which may include bonus pay packets, and even return airfare. Proceeding in this way means that you have a steady job set up before you have even set foot in the country and that is a great way to hit the classroom on your feet.



Before you come to Vietnam, go and visit The New Hanoian (temporarily down). I found the website to be is indispensable, covering many aspects of expat life in Vietnam, including housing, transportation, and employment.

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