

One Journey at a Time

Ethical and pleasurable travel from 'How Travel Can Change the World'“width=

With ecotourism and ethical travel on the rise, and more awareness in general about responsible travel, traveling can sometimes seem like a landmine, with too many possibilities of doing something wrong. How do you know what to do? How can you find out more? What if you make a mistake? If you have to pay such attention, it’s like extra homework—that isn’t fun!Is it even worth going?

答案是肯定的 - 结合道德旅行和愉悦是可行的 - 绝对值得做。不仅是为了社会和行星的好处,而且还因为这是一种真实的旅行和实践方式ethnorelativism全球意识—something international educators not only promote, but spend their lives doing.

Here at Transitions Abroad, Jeff Greenwald has included a definition of ethical travel in his article Ethical Travel: Voting with Our Wings:

“道德旅行是一个最新的概念,也是一个要求更高的概念。individualcollective理想。A traveler can experience environmental beauty and cultural immersion while actually贡献to the well-being of the host country。”

是否正在学习训练大象的实践(从野外捕获,折磨成为工作动物,虐待并给予可怕的生活条件),并选择不与大象旅游互动,为商品和服务支付公平的代价,学习尊重文化,在当地吃饭或支持当地供应商,ethical travel is the epitome of ethnorelativism and global awareness…and it is definitely pleasurable.

When you combine the two—ethical travel and pleasure—you end up having a better time than you ever thought you would. Why? Because you end up interacting more with locals, making an impact on their lives and environment, and truly创建区别。

任何旅行您可以在道德上完成!爱食物?时尚?动物?冲浪?志愿服务?远足?音乐?购物?海滩? All of these travel passions of ours can be enhanced by traveling ethically—by paying attention to the people, culture, and land wherever you are in the world.

我可以整天了解这一点,但是我决定询问专家 - 所有致力于道德旅行的旅行作家,以及旅行中的文章,照片和喜悦都展示了道德和愉悦的一致性。

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Hal Brindley, ofTravelForWildlife, notes:

Holding high ethical standards and having fun on your travels are definitely not mutually exclusive. In fact we find quite the opposite to be true. Once you open your mind to the impacts of your travels, you realize that you're not having fun when you know that something you're doing has a negative effect, and that you have so much more fun when your activities and choices are having a positive effect!


当我在一个看起来很漂亮但显然浪费了自然栖息地的巨大度假胜地时,我从不喜欢自己。但是,当我发现自己身处一个与环境和野生动植物一起使用的小型,精心管理的生态湖泊时,我总是度过美好的时光。同样,当我的活动实际上使当地的野生动植物受益时,它们会更加有趣和令人满意。例如,我刚刚加入了哥斯达黎加的海龟的“保护假期”,而我必须以有意义的方式参加红树林的造林,海豚研究和海龟保护,这一事实使这次旅行变得很有趣,就像我一样有趣刚刚以游客的身份漫步在那些地区。有多少人说他们在旅行中被海龟拍打在脸上?但这正是我在我们参与Golfo Dulce的科学现场研究时,我们正在交出一只成年的绿色乌龟来进行她的测量和信息时,这就是我发生的事情。我爱它的每一秒!

哥斯达黎加的乌龟。照片礼貌和©Hal Brindley。

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Diana Edelman, ofdravelsround, notes:

Traveling to Thailand and spending a week volunteering at Elephant Nature Park was one of the most memorable (and life-changing) experiences of my life. The park, along with the foundation which runs it—Save Elephant—is a glowing example of responsible tourism. Here, it is about learning about the elephants who call ENP home and their rescues from the tourism industry, street begging and more, and how to appreciate them from a distance versus riding them or watching them perform. I now work for Save Elephant Foundation and can easily say that in the two years I have been here, I have learned so much about elephant tourism and spoken with so many people who tell me they would much rather visit places like ENP where the elephants get to roam free and no bull hooks are used, than sit on a bench on their back or watch them paint or kick soccer balls. I have seen, first hand, the results of unethical elephant tourism, and it breaks my heart. Fortunately, more and more outfits are beginning to take a cue from ENP and move towards responsible elephant tourism versus exploitive.
Save the Elephant at Elephant Nature Park from 'How Travel Can Change the World'“width=
你好,来自英俊的纳瓦恩保存大象基础的大象自然公园!照片礼貌和©Diana Edelman。

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Ethan Gelber, of The Travel Word, notes:



Bike adventure. Photo courtesy and ©Ethan Gelber.

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利·舒尔曼(Leigh Shulman)has some specific tips about visiting Argentina:

为了巡回演出,而不是旅行,而是从当地一辆汽车的地方租一辆汽车,然后开车去Cafayate。这使您可以停下来并沿途远足地质地层。当地工匠在这些地方也出售手工制作的珠宝,陶器等。在阿根廷的萨尔塔(Salta),您也可以停在Posada de las Cabras,周围有最好的甜点,全部由山羊牛奶和奶酪制成。

I love that place. I do all my shopping there, and I try to go back to the same person. The vegetables are excellent quality, very fresh and grown locally. It's also super cheap and everything you cook with it tastes amazing.

I always encourage people to rent an apartment with kitchen, buy food at the market and cook for themselves. Living locally? Both ethical愉快。

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Talon Windwalker, of 1dad1kid, notes:



I understand not everyone is that adventurous, but I often hear travelers speak with a tone of disgust when they talk about the foods they can’t find, among other things, which I find ridiculous.


Try to make your time in a location as multidimensional as possible. Trust me, you'll enjoy it.
Night market Thailand from How Travel Can Change the World“width=
Night market in Ayutthaya, Thailand. Photo courtesy and ©Talon Windwalker.

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吉姆·奥唐奈, of80年来世界各地, notes:


It is more than just bird watching, archaeological sites or turtles laying eggs. Ethical travel requires a positive impact on the human community of an area. People who are well paid and employed in an ethical travel industry are much more likely to support that industry and protect the things that give them the ability to feed their families.

烹饪哥斯达黎加食品from 'How Travel Can Change the World'“width=
烹饪哥斯达黎加食品the traditional way (delicious!)
照片礼貌和©Jim O’Donnell。

I think you’ll agree with these ethical travel experts that this type of travel not only is pleasurable, but can change travel the way we know it. The choice between ethics and pleasure in travel is not an either/or proposition, and is really the result of a false dichotomy that many of us can and do overcome.




如何在墨西哥和中美洲实践负责任的旅行和生态旅游罗恩·麦德(Ron Mader)Planeta.com(包括出色的提示)

Responsible Travel
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