

Alfterpies显示了在圣玛丽亚·德格利·安吉奥利(Santa Maria Degli Angioli)修道院中将玛丽录取的恢复绘画。




1.圣玛丽亚degli angiolini

当您离开Piazza Signoria和Duomo广场时,进入了越过Santissima Annunziata广场的安静街道,您会发现,在Via Della Colonna的不稳定数字34中,Santa Maria angiolini仍在运转,位于圣玛丽亚(Santa Maria)gegli angiolini的修道院。可爱的庭院的发光建筑。自1990年以来,修道院自1990年以来就主办了女学生的大学宿舍,但圣玛莎勋章的修女也接管了女寄宿生,这些女寄宿生可能会在华丽的客厅里度过时光,在巨大的大钢琴上练习鳞片,并在最优雅的餐厅。

Capella di Santa Maria Degli Angioli的外部

但是,圣玛丽亚·德格利(Santa Maria Degli)Angiolini的真正珠宝是巴洛克式教堂”有些犹豫的玛丽拿着书籍并登上了台阶,施洗圣约翰的小雕塑和耶稣受难像Giambologna,因其在广场标志广场上的巨大雕像而闻名。尽管1966年的洪水对教堂造成了相当大的损害,但由于Saci(Studio Art Centers International)的学生和教职员工的奉献精神,艺术品已恢复为以前的荣耀,该公司自己强加于NR的San Antonino,他自己强加了自己的Palazzo dei Cartelloni Palazzo Dei Cartelloni。11的建造是为了纪念伽利略,其立面带有大科隆家族的武器。SACI赞助了巴洛克音乐的音乐会,尤其是在教堂里演出的女作曲家音乐会。Indeed for those who wish to stay longer in Florence to study art there is no better recommendation for an art school, which has recently acquired and restored another enormous building, the Jules Maidoff Palazzo for the Visual Arts, Via Sant’ Egidio 14, where a graduate program in fine arts is being housed.

Saci Palazzo Cartelloni:佛罗伦萨艺术学校的所在地
佛罗伦萨的Dei Cartelloni宫:

在其几个宝藏中,圣玛丽亚·德格利·安吉利尼(Santa Maria degli Angiolini)的教堂包含了处女的形象,站在一个不寻常的领域上,一些专家认为,这可能性是,上级母亲高级母亲意识到并准备承认(异端)的可能性伽利略理论。您可以放心,您的访问将不受其他人的干扰,并且负责承认您的修女会非常友善地欢迎您。



在Via della Pergola 18上站着Teatro Della Pergola,历史悠久的歌剧院和意大利最古老的剧院。它是由美第奇红衣主教建于1656年的,是第一个以叠加箱的叠加层而不是半圆形座位建造的剧院。它主要用作托斯卡纳大公爵的法庭剧院,于1718年向公众开放,在这里,莫扎特的歌剧在意大利首次听到。Though the Pergola has undergone restoration in the 19th century, it still contains one original element: In the back of it—which , incidentally abuts the garden of SACI’s new palazzo—you will find the living quarters of the actors, who, in the 16 and 17th centuries were not allowed to rent in the city for fear of corrupting morality and were required to find lodging in the theatre!

3. Ospedale Santa Maria Nuova

这Church in the 1600’s also prohibited women from singing in church choirs or on the stage—hence the appearance of a tradition which was maintained for 200 years and more—that of the castrati, whose fate was associated with one of the oldest hospitals in Italy founded in the 1200’s. In the 1700’s 4,000 boys a year were being castrated in a production line in which 8 boys might be “gelded” at one time! The Ospedale Santa Maria Nuova, with its impressive century portico, founded in the 13th century by Portinari, the father of Dante’s beloved Beatrice, was designed as a place for the needy poor and seen by the 16th century as surpassing all others in its care for the sick. The美第奇在医院的光顾中,他习惯于要求董事成为所有美第奇儿童的教父。

仍然是顶级个人家庭以及企业机构,为男性和女性病房和教堂委托艺术作品,因为它被认为是患者的身体健康和精神健康同等重要。妇女病房包含原始15世纪壁画的碎片 - “魔法的崇拜”和“最后的晚餐”以及许多女圣人的形象。

在圣玛丽亚·努瓦瓦(Santa Maria Nuova)的鱼类恋中,莱昂纳多·达·芬奇(Leonardo da Vinci)被允许对他成为一名老年病人的尸体进行解剖,当时他作为艺术家,他被其他医生拒绝了他的权利调查人体的血统。


在发现这些地方在佛罗伦萨的历史上如此充分投入的地方(在佛罗伦萨不是什么,有人问?)时,您将踏入过去,这尚未被游客的脚践踏美国小说家亨利·詹姆斯(Henry James)叫“匈奴!”

乔安娜·哈布斯(Joanna Hubbs),博士是国外Transtions的高级编辑,一生都住在佛罗伦萨。

188 support-cn
意大利的外籍画家和SACI导演Jules Maidoff的采访
乔安娜·哈布斯(Joanna Hubbs)的更多文章
意大利及以后的慢食:卡洛·佩特里尼(Carlo Petrini)的采访
在托斯卡纳烹饪:La Cucina Tradizionale的动手课程

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