Travel Abroad Narrative Travel Writing Contest 2014年竞赛第二名


Fijians preparing for a traditional dance ceremony.



我们在Waratah Lodge的珊瑚海岸度过了第一周。我们主要遵循Rigel的旅行建议。她曾建议,这是位于斐济较大的“城市”之一西加托卡附近的一个可宜人的地区负担得起的地方。最重要的是,该旅馆就在海滩对面。

We usually ad-libbed our travel arrangements, but, as it was a lengthy trip, we wanted to ensure a comfortable entry so we called the lodge a few weeks in advance to make a one-week booking. We arrived three weeks later at the small inn that consisted of six bungalows to learn that no reservation existed for Oscar and Susan Bonetto.


我开始详细介绍我们复杂的连接尝试。“从四个星期前开始,我们打了无数的未接电话。At first, the phone seemed to ring and ring and we weren’t sure if it rang or was busy or disconnected because phones ring differently in the U.S. But we kept calling at different hours and the woman named Ani answered with a lovely singsong 'Bula.' I asked Ani if she needed a credit card to confirm the reservation but she said 'No' and doubly assured me that everything was set.”


作为容易发生的西方人,我们开始有些烦恼,但仅仅回答了奥斯卡的问题,听起来像是舒缓的东西,例如悠扬的小韵律,“”Sega na lega。”我们很快了解到,这归结为“不用的担忧”,并且或多或少是斐济的咒语,适用于大小的99%的时间。仅仅是告诉我们,我们可以在三个晚上呆三个晚上,我们必须离开,为有预订的客人腾出空间。Ani似乎记得写下他们的其他保留。

As luck would have it, three nights on the oh-so-boring Coral Coast was enough for us. Though a fine place for the less active that enjoy lying poolside sucking on pineapple-flavored drinks, we prefer to adventure through our vacations. Vigilantly picking our way through jutting pieces of coral in ankle to knee-deep water was not our idea of beachside fun in the sun. We could snorkel only in high tide as low tide meant scraped bellies until you swam out far enough to find deep water. And those deeper waters often had dangerous undercurrents, whose reports of grabbing an occasional unsuspecting tourist floated down the shore, passing from one uninspired vacationer to another.





Hitchhiking in Fiji is safe and easy once you know how to do it.

当我们离开时,Waratah的工作人员在场派遣我们,呼吁大量的“ Moce Madas”(“再见 - 见Soons”)。我们站在旅馆前的主要道路上,奥斯卡以90度的角度从他的身上伸出手臂,拇指朝向天空。



The Cane Knife

因此,我们搭便车到了Suva,但是当我们进入当天第二辆车的后面时,我有点暂停。我们的新熟人是几个单词的当地居民。他坐在驾驶员的座位上,显得高大,有牛奶巧克力皮肤。我们高兴地自我介绍,他用他的名字乔恩(Jone)的孤独答复回报,没有提供额外的沟通。我没有尝试交谈,而是俯身将背包安排在地板上,发现我的脚恰好踩在一把严肃的刀上,放在地板和垫子之间。它必须至少两英尺长。我做了一个无意的双打。我的脚步希望奥斯卡(Oscar)希望,也许他会在成为连环杀手驾驶员回忆录的一部分之前,从移动的车辆中找到一种简单的出路。但是,他似乎没有受到影响,在呼吸下,这是一把拐杖刀,好像这可能会澄清并缓解我的任何担忧。“当然,拐杖刀”我大脑的一侧对另一侧说。 I also tried out an unspoken “Sega na lega在我看来,但这无效。在这种情况下,我没有平行的测量值,并且在接下来的20分钟内处于紧张的期待状态。

现在,当人们无处不在,在无处不在,jone放慢了脚步,然后停下了汽车时,我们已经超越了我在人中的沉默范围,甚至是陌生人。他短暂地瞥了一眼他的肩膀,朝着奥斯卡的肩膀张开邀请:“我们喝一杯。”在来回扭回我的头时,我俯身坐在座位上拿起刀子时,搜寻了灌木丛寻找小酒馆。他手里拿着武器,走出车,走进了草丛密集的区域。温柔我们跟随。他似乎正在搜寻地面,抛弃了抛弃我们身体的正确位置。突然,他捡起了椰子。他一只手巧妙地握住它,然后伸出整个顶部,在每次骇客之后旋转椰子。一分钟之内,他向我提供了椰子,我从顶部的新鲜洞穴中吐了果汁,理解这不是我的最后一顿饭,并且很自豪地能够适应异常的习俗。另一个斐济的教训学到了。 Apparently, most islanders travel with their cane knives — you never know when you might be thirsty and want to stop, walk into the bush to find a coconut to drink, or chop up some firewood to carry home for cooking.




很快,公共汽车上的一些当地人开始用母语大喊大叫,让我们乘公共汽车上。公共汽车司机摇了摇头,喃喃地说我们不允许我们上船,但以“取决于你”。如果我们想尝试进入那里的船,我们可以乘公共汽车去渡轮着陆。有了胜利的感觉,我们挤在拥挤的公共汽车上,蹲在过道中,微笑着几十个欢呼的棕色脸,当他们向我们洋溢着我们时。一个然后另一个直接进行眼神交流,轮流问我们基本的人生问题:“你的名字是什么?”“你从哪来?”“你今年多大?”"Are you married?’ and ‘How many kids do you have?’ The Methodists were a spirited clan—chattering amongst themselves in Fijian after each of our answers. We reciprocated their directness and provided unabridged answers to their questions as we jostled our way to the landing, an hour’s drive from Suva.

再次,在渡轮入口处,由于事实没有改变,我们被拒绝了 - 他们已经满了,我们没有门票。到现在为止,氏族已经收养了我们,会众加入了我们的恳求。在无数热心的基督教当地人召集了无数次允许我们加入船上之后,上帝的将是完成的,我们去了一艘与他的仆人溢出的船上的ovalau。



Upon arrival in Ovalau we learned that, from the boat landing, we were now about a forty-five minute drive over an unpaved, rutted, and often flooded road from the only town on the island, Levuka, which was our destination. Once again stuck —there was no transportation to Levuka and no available in which rooms to stay, according to our light-hearted, spiritual friends, all of whom planned to stay in villages on mats no thicker than a sheaf of paper. But, one man yelled out to us Fiji’s overused slogan, “Sega na lega” followed by “Jump into the back of any truck and, if it doesn’t go all the way to Levuka, you will be welcome to sleep on the floor in any village we pass.” Such luck!

It was now past 7 p.m. and darkness settled in as we bumped and journeyed towards Levuka. Though tourist guides discuss it as an important destination in Fiji, Levuka is a fishy-smelling, one lane, Wild Wild West town from days of old. The main road, Beach Street, runs along — what else — the beach, while the other side is host to interconnecting ancient dilapidated shops and Chinese restaurants. In a couple of days, when less depleted, I would find the entire postcard passageway quaint, but at this very moment it felt one hundred years distant from me.

我们仍遵循Mimo和Rigel的指示,我们前往Old Capital Inn。我要求并找到了西蒙 -poofta," Fiji’s term for feminine gay men, who "Oi lei’d!" around us—another favorite Fijian expression used much like "Oh My!" — apologizing that they had no vacancies. In the sweetest voice, he explained about the convention as though we could have arrived on the island without being aware of this. Simon directed us to check down the street at The Royal hotel with a gentle “Come back and you can sleep on the floor in my room if they have nothing available.” Yet, another tempting accommodation offer.

The Royal Hotel in Ovalau, Fij
The Royal Hotel in Ovalau, Fiji — the oldest hotel in the South Pacific.



Our room was a set out of Tales of the South Pacific. Walls made of clapboard; it contained a simple wooden chair, double bed covered in old sheets with a faded floral pattern, and mosquito net. We jumped into our tiny shower one after the other, washed off a bit of travel dust under a mere drizzle of cool water, and fell into bed exhausted but satisfied. We were sound asleep within seconds.


在某个时候,直到深夜,也许是在日出之前一两个小时,我以为我听到了天体音乐。我睁开眼睛,只看到黑暗。我问自己我在哪里,但不记得。我变得昏暗地意识到软声。这不仅是音乐,而且天使也在唱歌 - 热情,可爱的声音 - 高低融合并融入彼此。我闭上了眼睛,什么也没有改变 - 整理的黑色和音乐来自天堂。我睁开眼睛,在夜晚摸摸奥斯卡的手,发现了它,问道:“你听到我听到的吗?”




A few minutes later we saw a tiny bit of light beginning to warm the sky. As dawn came we stood at our window and looked out upon the virgin morning. We now saw what we hadn’t last night — our room faced the back of the hotel overlooking a sports’ field. These memories linger always. I gazed out upon hundreds of Fiji’s true believers scattered into a dozen or more groups in a circle around the rugby field. Each church choir cluster wore a different color—looking towards six o’clock there were ladies in mint green dresses, eight o’clock a mixed group, the men in pale blue shirts and sulus — traditional Fijian men’s skirts, the women in dresses the same shade of blue, nine o’clock coral dresses, and so on, all combining into a majestic shining circle of pastel-rainbow colors growing ever more vibrant as the passing minutes moved the sun upward.



那天我们走到哪里 - 在海滩上,走到著名的一百个台阶进入山丘上,看着灿烂的海湾,或在船上的海上望去 - 我们总是听到唱歌。我不太记得我们如何过去的细节;唱歌是我经常重新访问的 - 史坦特,悠扬,光滑和美丽。永无止境,所以它只是我们的一部分,渗入了我们的毛孔。




一位热爱国际生活的人力资源顾问,苏珊·邦托(Susan Bonetto)has lived in Fiji twice, the Philippines once and currently resides part time in Argentina. She has also travelled to over 30 countries for pleasure or work. Susan can be contacted at scbonetto AT yahoo.com

Rhythms of Native Life in Fiji

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