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Cycling the Laurentians in Quebec, Canada

Article and photos byCherie Thiessen

Arriving at another of our auberges

Take away the rails and the tracks, cover the route over with fine gravel or even pavement, border it with lakes and sylvan hills, dot it with restored stations and services, restrict travel to two legs or two wheels, and you have cycling paradise.

Cycle touring on old railway beds has always been one of our passions. Such routes always curve away from the populated areas, ever deeper into the backcountry. Best yet, the winding is handled gently because trains can’t climb steep grades. Now in our late 60s, we can’t either.

因此,多年来,我们骑自行车了,我们将车把转向东部,发现了加拿大魁北克省的凯迪拉克自行车道。Le pontit Train du Nord Linear Park是一个124英里的游乐场,从Saint-Jérôme到西北,穿过Laurentians到加拿大最长的此类公园Mont-Laurier。这条路线从1996年的铁路床转换为令人惊叹的风景和柔和的坡度。另一个加油是已修复的火车站cafés, tourist information booths, craft shops, museums and stores. This meant in addition to exercise, great scenery, and a slow-motion acquaintance with the passing locals, we would also be able to immerse ourselves in local culture and history as well. A cold beer or washroom on the route wasn’t to be pedaled past either.

Cycling through sylvan landscapes
Cycling through sylvan landscapes.

公司。寻找当地公司来提供自行车和运输至关重要,我们很幸运Autobus Le Petit Train Du Nord,自1997年以来提供全方位服务的航天飞机和自行车租赁服务。该公司位于Saint-Jérôme的La Place de la Gare的Spiffy车站,该公司将骑自行车的人运送到蒙特洛里尔(Mont-Laurier)的路线尽头,3小时一日游的途中旅行。此外,它提供日常行李运输,并与B&B Le Voyageur Inn合作,根据骑自行车的人是否需要3日,5天或6天的旅行来预订夜间住宿,早餐和晚餐。与丈夫和儿子一起经营公司的Aline Raymond说,有80%的骑自行车的人要求行李班车服务。还要检查他们的网站是否离开蒙特利尔。

路线。Saint-Jérôme是公里。0.一个美丽的小镇,拥有68,000多个蒙特利尔西北25英里的地方,提供了最好的服务。Comfort Inn&Suites是整夜的理想场所,从存放在那里的自行车来看,许多其他人也有同样的感觉。从那里开始,到达车站5分钟的出租车和班车公司的旧红色驾驶室,在这里,自行车,运输和热烈欢迎我们等待着我们。该服务已经大大增长,现在有2辆行李货车和两辆公共汽车。很高兴看到当地的企业蓬勃发展,尤其是为该地区带来可持续收入的旅行。

Quebec cycle shuttle

我们很快就搭配了闪闪发光的Opus Hybrid自行车和pan刀,并爬上了124英里的旅程,将我们带到蒙特洛里尔的北部终点站。在724'时,它比Saint-Jérôme高400'。由于回报的最高峰会仍然只有1,400'的海拔,因此整个路线承诺将毫不费力。散布在城镇中,包括富人和著名的蒙特·特里布兰特(Mont Tremblant)的冬季游乐场,这也意味着我们可以划船,而我们打算。我们预订了为期6天的巡回演出,勒巴达尔(Le Baladeur)。

Mont-Laurier到Lac-Saguay第一天只有23英里,但鉴于后来的开始就足够了。在蒙特·劳里尔(Mont Laurier)站午餐时,我们与志愿巡逻队的双语成员聊天,得知其中有40个监督了这条小径。

这是一种开始骑自行车的柔软方式,在人行道上柔和的上坡,有几个湖泊舔海岸,许多休息站,带有舱室形的庇护所,厕所和信息标志,并悬挂在所有这些仁慈的阳光下,八月中旬残酷。由于天气的完美天气,再加上完美的地方的完美活动,我们徘徊了更长的时间 - 在每个休息地点停留,在一个小乡村商店中检查葡萄酒,从一个春天的春天里填满了蓝色丝带的春天的水。小径的一侧,捡起野苹果。终于下午晚些时候我们进入了夜晚的住宿汽车旅馆我们的bleu在Lac-Saguay的河岸上。这家热情的汽车旅馆提供了一种完美的方式来刷新自己。在半小时的时间内,我滑入湖中,只被我的骑自行车伙伴抓住的酒诱使我。

Lac Saguay to Nominingue仅仅是15英里,这意味着严重的时间,有趣的迹象和停车的数量使它变得容易。我们读到了有关枫糖收集的信息,以及1896年的洛兰格(Loranger)作为一个州的诞生,并为1899年种植的挪威松树拍照以庆祝殖民化,并发现越野野生覆盆子灌木是有效的。然后我们进入了提名站,这是一位宏伟的古老美女,再次使年轻。它建于1904年,现在分为旅游信息区,博物馆的片段和手工艺品精品店。一位友好的双语志愿者解释说,该车站实际上已经被移动了两次,这个小博物馆是其原始的电报办公室。我们听了一位年轻的吉他街头艺人,在野餐桌上la了阳光,然后在户外咖啡厅骑自行车在镇上享用午餐,然后返回小径,然后将最后一英里旅行到我们的酒店过夜,Auberge Chez Ignace

我们在欧洲吗?该建筑建于1891年,当时比利时夫妇首次看到它是一家杂货店。在Ignace和Yolande Denutte的手中,它熟练地转变为四星级的住宿,在宽敞的餐厅,休息室,户外热水浴缸和设备齐全的房间中提供美食。这是又一个完美的一天,我们很快就利用了酒店在湖水中的码头,在游泳和皮划艇之间躺在椅子上。

Come evening, we had another treat. We hadn’t expected a gastronomic experience this far north of Montreal, but then we hadn’t known the proprietor’s long family history in the hospitality business, 35 years of operating a thriving large resort in Belgium’s Ardennes region. Thetable d'hôtemenu offered several gourmet choices, and the Belgium beers met with approval.


洛杉矶的湖人概念随着轮胎的滚动,我们到达了森林中的一个避风港。但是首先,更多的车站房屋,栈桥桥,一座旧桥的景色以及Rivière-Rouge村,经过一个鸟解释中心以及许多村庄的设施。L'Annciation的旧车站房屋还提供了所有设施,包括淋浴,电话,旅游信息,野餐桌,饮用水和厕所。在附近的蒂姆·霍顿(Tim Hortons)咖啡店,一家酒类商店,大型超市和几家商店,这是一个完美的供应和午餐站。

Riviere-Rouge的Annciation Railway House
The L’Annonciation railway house at Riviere-Rouge.

It was Labelle station, however, ten miles further on, that really took the cake – strawberry cake. Its café served up tea and strawberry shortcake on the deck, where we munched, sipped, and watched children playing on the old caboose while we awaited the museum’s opening. Staffed by another knowledgeable volunteer, the expansive venue graphically outlined the history of the trail and the work of one intrepid man in particular, Herman Smith-Johannsen, an avid cross country skier nicknamed Jack Rabbit, who developed many of the trails.


La Conception to Mont-Tremblantwas the shortest day yet at a mere 10 miles, but that turned out to be a good thing as there was so much to see and do in the tourist village and the ski resort. The trail sliced alongside Lac-Mercier under the pines and maples before entering the tourist village of Mont-Tremblant. Besides offering the usual comforts of toilets, drinking water, and picnic tables, this station had an exciting new life as a premier art gallery. Cafés, boutiques, and gift shops all lined the warren of roads, while bathers and sun worshippers dotted the sand and grass alongside Lac-Mercier.

When, in spite of coffee stops and gallery browsing, we found ourselves at our lodgings before lunch, we were fortunate enough to find our room ready for us at the popular Le Voyageur B & B. After walking into town and checking out our restaurant for dinner, we caught a bus up to the ski village and felt we had entered a Swiss wonderland.

蒙特·蒂尔(Mont-Trymblant)包含旅程中最陡峭的部分。Half of its 30-mile stretch wound up to the summit, but powered as we were by Le Voyageur B & B’s delicious French Canadian breakfast of creton – a spicy pork pate that’s one of Quebec’s culinary gifts to the world, along with a frittata with cheese and spinach, fresh fruit and coffee, we didn’t notice the grade. There was also too much to distract us and too many stations to lure us in. With ice cream at the Saint-Agathe-des-Monts station, its old photo and camera display, and stops at Gare Val-David and La Petite Gare, we found the morning quickly receding. Now closer to Montreal, we noticed the trails were filling with families and couples out for the day. Chatting with them at the picnic tables and stations was a pleasant diversion.

我们到达了我们的最终旅馆,这座有120年历史的原始车站房屋,Hotel de la Gare,在欢乐时光的理想时间。很快,坐在阴影甲板上,我们正在抽样啤酒粉饰:一小杯美味的夏季啤酒,带有桃子,草莓和我最喜欢的枫糖浆等水果口味,同时与来自安大略省的骑自行车的人聊天。5卧室的Auberge滴落的历史,主持人琳达和伊冯热情欢迎。

我们的最后一个晚上在Auberge de la Gare。

Saint-Adèle to Saint-Jérôme仅仅是16英里。我们最后一天的早餐包括一个椰子蛋糕,里面有香蕉和坚果,搭配格兰诺拉麦片和水果的酸奶,并确保我们有足够的蛋白质来回到公里。0,还有一些火腿

The station at Saint-Adèle, a short distance along the trail, offered bike rentals and clothing, as well as a restaurant, but it was Piedmont Station, popping up a mere 3 miles further along that really snagged my interest. It being Sunday, a large Farmers Market had sprung up. Although traveling light, I couldn’t resist buying a small bottle of local blackcurrant port, some local honey, and a delicious artisan loaf of twisted poppy bread that we soon devoured for lunch, along with hunks of local Brie and olives. The outdoor gym here looked fun so we tried it out before heading to Prevost. The station here lured us in with its advertisement of everything for $1: soup, muffins, coffee, and other goodies. Who can resist a bargain? Never us.

进一步走了十英里,我们回到了起跑线,在拱门下滚动,并监视了一家户外餐厅,我们通过举起冷玻璃至完美的旅行来庆祝我们的Halcyon Cycle Tour的尽头。

To Sum up.我们的Baladeur Cycle Tour提供了我们所追求的一切:小型个人拥有的旅馆,使我们有机会品尝加拿大法国菜肴,尝试我们的法国人,与当地人见面,他们也喜欢这条小径,并了解了有关该地区历史的更多信息。所有这一切都包裹在精彩的运动中,我们的感觉超负荷伴随着声音,气味,质地和洛尔兰人的视线。相信我,加拿大的这条小块是骑自行车的幸福。

When to go:8月中旬至9月中旬是好的,当时昆虫较少,天气越来越好。9月,秋天的颜色很棒。这条小径在加拿大五月假期后向骑自行车的人开放,并在十月感恩节结束后关闭。



Want to travel greener or cheaper?Campsites are available all along the route. Scan or download the tourist guide at the official site below. Campsites and their websites are in the brochure.

For More Information



Cherie Thiessenwrites travel stories from Canada’s West Coast Gulf Islands. A member of the Travel Media Assoc. of Canada and the B.C. Travel Writers’ Assoc., she taught travel writing at the University of Victoria for many years, and lived and taught English abroad in China, Japan, and South Africa. Now in her 70s, she continues to enjoy cycling, hiking, and sailing.

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