
Culinary Tourism: Exploring Local Culture through Food

In Maui, Hawaii and Around the World



瑞安(Ryan)雕刻成一个像我头一样大的蛋糕苹果,并给我一个多汁的片 - 绿色鳞状果皮,黑色种子和白色的果肉,像甘蔗一样甜,番石榴,香蕉和百香果的香气。

Mana Foods(Ryan Earehart在这里管理农产品部门)是最近一次的烹饪之旅Paia(夏威夷毛伊岛的一个小镇)的第四站。




马卡瓦(Makawao)的龙巢穴(Dan's Den)全面提供草药和茶,以及专家博物学家的课程以及有关当地艺术界的信息。

Cindi Weldon, originally from Seattle, started Local Tastes of Maui to share her passion for her adopted hometown of Makawao, the cowboy capitol of Maui, and Paia, just down the mountain towards the coast.


On the Makawao tour, we sampled the famous stick donuts of the rustic T. Komoda Store & Bakery, in operation since 1916, and refreshed ourselves with honey lemonade served by owner Kathi Sparks at her outdoor Garden Cafe. We learned about the history of Mexican cowboys in the region (known asPaniolos,pidginEspanoles)。为了他们的荣誉,我们在墨西哥餐厅Polli的餐厅里粉碎了新鲜的鳄梨调味酱和薯条,在那里工作人员整夜准备第二天的烟熏肉和莎莎酱,而贝特·米德勒(Bette Midler)的调酒师看起来像是工作了35年。

In Paia, Cafe Mambo served us a plate of falafel encrusted in sesame seeds, somehow both crunchy and fluffy. At Charley’s, a center for Paia’s music scene, the owner offered us his famous pancakes with coconut syrup.

这次旅行还在当地艺术中编织,包括参观毛伊手摄影,雕塑,珠宝和绘画的画廊,都是由当地艺术家组成的。我们钦佩当地艺术家丹尼斯·霍尔策(Dennis Holtzer)用木头雕刻的鲸鱼尾巴。几分钟后,我们撞到了丹尼斯(Dennis),他将另一个雕刻成龙的丹的天然草药和茶店,寻求水晶到树林中。

At the nearby Hot Island Glass Studio, hidden behind the Viewpoints Gallery, we watched an artist craft molten glass from the furnace, surrounded by unbelievable transparent creations of jellyfish shimmering through trails of bubbles.



Cindi is not alone. Tourist interest in sustainable food, and agro-tourism has grown dramatically in past years.

The small island of Maui features several food tours, including the more in-depth Maui Culinary Tours. Unfortunately, Jeannie Wenger, the proprietor, was out of town when I visited, but tempted me with tales from her tours, which focus on sustainable food and agriculture. Maui Culinary Tours include a full meal prepared by a local chef, a private farm tour, and a visit to the Tedeschi Winery—including the tasting room.


Culinary Tourism Around the World: Cooking Classes, Meals on Farms, Farmers’ Markets



泰国提供了大量的小型烹饪学校,游客(或当地人)可以在泰式帕德(Pad Thai)或涉及鱼类,椰奶和特殊香料混合物的地区特色菜等基础课程上进行一天的课程。

在墨西哥,在家庭烹饪课程中,在Tlaxcala,Puebla,Puerto Vallarta,Jalisco和Oaxaca开设了课程,课程从质朴的辣椒到美食和炒壁球鲜花的课程不等。

In the US and Europe, some farmers are offering “on the farm” meals that are open to travelers; the organization Out Standing in the Field offers some high-end experiences, but for other farm dinners, you’ll have to search the web by state and town to find local options.

If you travel to a small community with no visible culinary tourism, you can fashion your own tour. Ask at hotels, schools, famers’ markets and restaurants and you’re likely to find out about a farm that you can visit or an up and coming chef (or even a home cook) willing to offer a class.

As with eco-tourism, travelers interested in culinary tourism should keep their critical eyes open, as some tour providers are not truly committed to the highest environmental standards of the industry. Visitors are advised to beware of experiences that offer foods such as veal, shrimp, or fish that are not sustainably harvested.

Not Just about the Food


但是,比食物更丰富的机会是与我本来不会遇到的人建立联系的机会 - 从瑞安(Ryan)以当地种植的毛伊(Maui)农产品的自豪感,再到凯西(Kathi)对她的蜂蜜柠檬水的热情。我感觉到我正在加入一个充满激情的美食家社区,他们相信可持续食品的愿景,并享受与游客分享的机会。


Transitions Abroad Food and Travel Resources

Slow Food


On Maui


Kapahu Living Farm



Tedeschi Vineyards

夏威夷大学烹饪艺术课程-Maui College(has dining room and special events)

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Culinary Travel

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