

拉巴特的食品市场。照片由Adrienne Alvord提供。

午餐时间仍然是两个小时的好地方,但是旧市中心,拉巴特的堡垒麦地那built in the 12th century and then rebuilt and expanded in the 17th century, was filled with the midday shoppers and the smells of fragrant spices from cumin, paprika, coriander, cilantro, briny preserved lemon, garlic, onions, saffron, and olives. Someone somewhere in this maze was making a chicken and olive塔吉,摩洛哥著名的那种复杂,丰富,新鲜和辣的陶土烤炖菜。


This was a daily conundrum during the year I lived in Rabat: No matter how satiated I would be before going food shopping, I always became exceedingly hungry once I entered the麦地那。这是一种饥饿,是由很多美味的食物带来的,无论是每日市场产品还是在售货亭之上或后面的私人厨师中,他们正在为家人准备午餐或晚餐并用魔法香气包裹麦地那。


当您进入其中一个拉巴特时麦地那’s several stone-arched gates off of Hassan II Boulevard and step to your left or right, taking one of the few central streets, your senses are engaged: it is an intense, colorful, fragrant-rich, succulent, and immensely gregarious place to be. To your right or left might be the women selling flat breads and crumpet-like pancakes. The women are dressed in their crème or mushroom-coloredJellabas,连帽长袍。有些人有指甲双手,表明他们最近可能参加了亲戚或朋友的婚礼。他们的早餐商品和面包像钱地的硬币一样堆放在他们面前的小桌子上。在他们身后,旧的墙壁和树木周围的树木提供了阴影和镇定。

在迷宫般的街道上更深麦地那是水果和蔬菜卖家。有些是有序的售货亭;其他人在地面上的油皮布上销售产品,但所有人只提供刚刚收获和本地的水果和蔬菜 - 肉眼,胡萝卜,西葫芦,秋葵,绿豆,西红柿,西红柿,黄油绿色的生菜和耐糖果,以及许多其他时令选择。早晨,还有渔民刚刚拖着沿海渔获物,并在路径上设置鳞片,以便将鲜鱼迅速伸入能力的手中。


Amidst all this, women shoppers rub elbows, vying for the best produce and bargaining. As they walk past or negotiate for room at a kiosk counter, their longJellabas带有无数珠宝,紫红色,橙色,猩红色,紫罗兰,青年和柠檬的珠宝色彩的颜色。

这women shoppers’ children, despite the fierce verbal skills and poker faces of their mothers, cast mischievous glances and big, glowing curious eyes at the rich dynamic, textured, colorful, and time-honored market world around them.

在此外,还有屠夫。一个人正在等待他的下一个顾客,向前倾斜肘部靠在一堆绵羊和牛的脚上,他们的肘部割伤了。他的头只是在一侧悬挂的肾脏和肝脏的悬挂式展示之间,另一侧却绊倒了。超越他的是老男人,穿着羊毛棕色Jellabasand white skull caps shuffling through, looking at each display. One stops at a spice stall, taking in the sand dune mounds of paprika, cumin, coriander, curry, turmeric, fennel, cardamom, caraway, and saffron.

不远处是一个老人,他一定像中世纪的巫师一样老,看上去就像是他长长的白胡子,金色的丝绸头巾和闪闪发光的蓝眼睛。他正在出售干燥的玫瑰芽,磨碎的指甲花,陶土皮肤洗涤器,用于浴缸,千鲜海绵,草药和护身符,以治愈,保护和采购用户的意愿。如果您停下来告诉他您的担忧,他将为您提供有关正确草药混合物的建议。(他经常卖给我美丽的小玫瑰芽,我在烹饪和使脚水闻起来都很好吃。每次我看到他时,他都会在摩洛哥阿拉伯语中给我一堂课可能是摩洛哥阿拉伯语的一个明显方面。此外,柏柏尔是一种母语,说得非常广泛,随后是西班牙语,意大利语,德语和许多其他语言:摩洛哥人是多种语言的令人难以置信- 人类历史的道路。)

麦地那本身是一个较大的拉巴特城内的中世纪围墙城市,就像Medinasin other parts of Morocco. It has indoor and outdoor caverns, a few main thoroughfares and infinite capillaries that seem to shift as regularly as the daylight and shadow across the narrow passages. Further, beyond the food markets, lay carpets, ceramics, wood-work, jewelry, clothing, music recordings, and much more — much of this is along Rue Souika, which is the main street you will encounter upon entering any gate from Boulevard Hassan II, and on to the other main street in the medina, the Rue des Consuls. Two peripheral areas at each end of the麦地那还拥有非凡的跳蚤市场,在许多二手垃圾和殖民时代的作品中提供纯粹的摩洛哥宝​​藏。

如果您一直走过麦地那朝着海洋的一侧,您将在海洋上欣赏景色。您可以越过主要的道路,Rampe Sidi Maklouf(小心翼翼),朝堡垒,Kasbah des Oudayas驶过,并探索这个俯瞰河流和海洋的小围墙社区。

在Oudaya内是一个可爱的安达卢西亚花园moriscos,他在1609年左右从西班牙流亡到这里,并将要塞和麦地那(Medina)在他们的新家下方。在17世纪上半叶,moriscos拉巴特也成为独立的海盗共和国。在Oudaya中,您会看到这一点的迹象,最明显的是最高点的佳能,这是三个方向的:横跨河流,出售,河流和在海洋上。在1666年,摩洛哥苏丹国吸收伊比利亚难民之前,他们非常独立。这意味着他们与销售的人们(一个佳能)矛盾,任何人都来到河(第二只经典),并过滤了他们从海洋河流嘴里传来或从海河中传来的人(第三只佳能)。在Oudaya,您还将找到他们的17世纪宫殿,这是已故穆斯林 - 基督教 - 犹太人伊比利亚风格的一个很好的例子,带回了摩洛哥,并与当地美学融合在一起。


摩洛哥传统食品购物的美感是,您每天都购买,新鲜购买,本地购买,季节性购买并从邻居那里购买,后者也在烹饪杀手塔吉, better than anything you’ll ever eat in a restaurant. Home cooks are the masters and chefs study with them if they are wise. This is not to cast aspersions upon restaurants—there are some stellar ones that are definitely worth visiting—but nothing compares to what is bubbling away in a home kitchen.

A drive in the surrounding country reinforces these realities as one witnesses the activities of people who still know how to grow local, seasonal, and healthy food. A common scene is a woman churning butter in a heavy linen sack that is suspended between two poles with her rocking it back a forth; a man and a donkey pulling a cart with baskets full of flower blossoms ready to go to market to sell for making flower water; cherry pickers selling just-picked ripe ruby red globes or white truffle sellers advertising pyramid-piled truffles on upturned ten-gallon cans on the roadside. Beyond them are sweeping fields of spring green and cadmium red poppies.

Recommended culinary souvenirs are saffron and ceramics. If you love authentic cooking tools, select a terracotta塔吉dish to carry home. Ceramics are a diverse undertaking; each city and region produces its own distinctive styles of shapes, colors, and painting designs. And as for saffron, it is grown in southern Morocco, around Taliouine, south of Marrakech and available in almost any marketplace. Some consider the Moroccan saffron of a lesser quality than Spanish or Iranian varieties, but I am an advocate for风土in all its manifestations. You can taste the unique mineral-plant composition of Moroccan earth in Moroccan saffron. This holds true for the red wines produced in the Fez-Meknes valley (Amazir是我的最爱),那些奇妙的白松露在摩洛哥中部春季出售了路边。

Other Rabat Markets


麦地那外面还有一些小宝藏可以购物。这petit marché,彼得里(Pietri)位于更现代的城市中心,其建筑谈论其殖民地法国居住者以及与独立摩洛哥相关的更现代结构。在这里,您会看到花卉市场,LeMarchéAuxFleurs, in riotous color year round and with flower vendors and flowers of every imaginable variety, African, Asian, and European. Steps leading to an airy underground space take you to the little covered food market that boasts a good butcher, cheese sellers, a sausage vendor, herbalists, and specialty foods imported from France.



Just below the Oudaya is a craft center where ceramics, leather goods, wood crafts, and more are sold. Moreover, further up river in the Rabat-Sale river valley is a potter’s guild where artisans have gathered in shops and buildings like a small village in and of itself. This is a fine place to buy locally made ceramics, baskets of all shapes and sizes, jewelry, and others artisanal goods.

对本地,季节性慢食的这种观点似乎受到拉巴特超级公园的存在挑战。但是我在摩洛哥购物的美好回忆是参观hypermarche,大型超市,玛利恩(Marjane)具有讽刺意味的是,在Rabat and Sale的River Valley中,该地区的传统农田生产了许多当地的蔬菜和水果。我担心这家大型商店会对当地种植和出售季节性食品的令人难以置信的选择有什么影响。我进入了一个摩洛哥家庭后面的商店,摩洛哥家庭像我一样在那里接受新现象。父母,孩子,祖父母,一个姑姑和叔叔,以及一个堂兄,作为一个统一的团体,巡回演出通过博物馆,以统一的方式移动。他们从产品到产品,展示以及水果和蔬菜,再到水果和蔬菜。即使他们处于方便且快速的大型超市中,也不会匆忙。如果食物不符合他们的新鲜和品味标准 - 他们捡起物品,感觉到它们,闻到它们,仔细观察它们 - 他们会从当地的绿色杂货商,鱼贩和屠夫那里恢复他们的旧购物方式(我听到他们听到他们说的话当我跟随他们时,彼此之间)。随后到马贾恩(Marjane)的旅行告诉我,摩洛哥的轻松和便利性只会达到质量和口味符合传统标准。换句话说,摩洛哥人是具有很高标准的食物爱好者。


A good informational website on Rabat in French:www.rabat-maroc.net


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