



My journeys are generally not terribly risky. I am not bungee jumping (a “sport” I have yet to try). I may be driving from New Jersey to Alaska, trekking around the Pacific Rim countries for a year, making my way around India for a month, or riding my motorcycle from Seattle to Panama.

While these were all solo trips, I would argue that none of them were particularly dangerous in and of themselves. “Really?” you might ask. Yes. To begin with, I was well prepared for each trip by researching my destination(s) and understanding exactly what I was getting into. Time spent probing up front had the added benefit of building my confidence when I subsequently discovered that taking these trips was not much more hazardous than staying in my own backyard. (OK, perhaps there was a little more danger in the motorcycle trip).



Yes, there are dangerous places in the world. I won’t deny that. War zones come to mind, as do destinations where severe political unrest threatens to destabilize the region and infrastructure. Sometimes a situation can change so quickly that one might be put at risk without any foreknowledge of impending issues.


I recognize that this is an extreme example and am certainly not advocating travel to a region heavily occupied by the U.S. military, where no one is immune to the relatively frequent attacks of terrorist groups. But when I am asked (which is often) about which destinations are “safe” or “dangerous” for women travelers, I refuse to answer because what may be safe for one woman may be a far stretch for another. Circumstances, ethnicity, travel experience, and confidence should all factor in to one’s decision. And ultimately, only the individual can know the right answer.


Perceived Danger

There are destinations that we are merely led to believe are dangerous. Take Bali. After the bombings in Denpasar in 2002, the area was put on the U.S. Department of State’s Travel Warning list, urging Americans to avoid the region. Interestingly enough, the U.S. government recommended we all travel to New York City after the September 11th attacks. In both cases, we were fed information in order to change our perceptions of both destinations: Bali is dangerous and New York City is not.



Living Dangerously

It may not be your destination that adds the element of adventure but your choice of activities (e.g. bungee jumping), mode of transportation (a bus careening through the Nepalese mountains), or perhaps what you eat. In Vietnam, I was once honorifically served some fish organ which remains unknown to me. Holding down my gag reflex was difficult but made for a memorable meal!

冒险作家基拉·萨拉克(Kira Salak)是第一个在马里尼日尔河上划600英里的人,到达廷巴克图。她还是第一位穿越巴布亚新几内亚的女人。基拉(Kira)选择了并不完全被认为是“安全”的目的地,她还添加了一些非常不寻常的元素(分别是划皮划艇和丛林),但已经活着讲述了这一点和许多其他故事。



We do not all have to be Bettys or Kiras. We can simply follow our passions, as Sue is soon to discover, no matter how small or grand.


There is a perception that danger awaits the woman traveler. We mayappearto be meek and, therefore, easy prey. However, we actually have attributes that help us overcome these potential weaknesses.

我已经采访了100多名女性。这些勇敢的女性中有几个发现自己处于不舒服的位置,例如,他们被迫进行性接触。共识是,他们在发生之前“感觉到”了一个问题,但不太知道如何从情况中解脱出来。换句话说,他们都知道有些不对劲,但没有信心或没有预见到自己的情况。(我可能会补充说,这些妇女都没有被强奸了 - 这种情况的吸引时间远远超过对她们的舒适性。)

The overwhelming majority of women I interviewed tended to listen to their instincts, approached their travels cautiously, and never got into any trouble to begin with.

But whatever your adventure entails, it is nevertheless prudent to build up your level of confidence by taking a self-defense course and making practice runs (such as an overnight trip) before you take on a bigger journey.

You do not need to go climb Yosemite—just step out of your comfort zone, enjoy the tiniest bit of danger and you will feel that adrenaline rush. We all have it in us.


Always check out travel warnings posted by your home government sites while planning your trip or in-country.





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