


Outside the Box


Having the freedom to travel while simultaneously having the security of a teaching-English-to-non-native-speakers day-to-day job is still an option. While many areas of the world still operate using fairly formal teaching policies with centralized schools, those seeking to teach abroad also have to be prepared to work remotely in some locations.

Adapting to Teaching English in South America

Case-in-point: South America.The continent has long been attractive to English teachers eager for new experiences involving such activities as Samba music, mountain trekking, and other long, hot summer nightlife pleasures while earning a living teaching English to the locals. But unlike certain global areas with a much more rigorous application, interview, and hiring process that involve visas or housing appropriations, many countries in South America often utilize a less rigid system of employing teachers.

All this might still sound great, especially for those looking to teach for the short-term in various cities while traveling across South America for extended periods. But there are some matters both the vagabond and long-term teacher must take into consideration when teaching for language companies inAmerica del Sur.有盒子外工作的呼吁。字面上地。

Teaching Location and Logistics

In South America, teachers are often called upon to work outside of the learning center or teaching area. Language centers in South America are prone to accommodate students’ busy schedules and teachers are dispatched accordingly to students’ homes and/or offices. The method of teaching on-site can be beneficial to students with hectic schedules.

Such a style of teaching and working runs counter to many professional considerations, and there must be flexibility on the part of teachers unaccustomed to working in this way. When deciding if you wish work in this manner, consider the following:

  • 办公室和房屋:People are busy everywhere, and South America is no exception. As a result, a teacher working on location has to learn geographical information about the city they work in as well as transit schedules to get to where they have to teach. Also, the teacher has to be ready for a break-in period during the first employed week to learn how to get to the student’s office or home on time. Observing how long it can take to get there and what security clearances are needed to access the buildings where you teach should be done as well. Offices and apartment buildings in South America are often strict about security, and as a teacher you have to be respectful of this requirement.
  • 时间表:大多数语言中心在分配您的学生和教会他们的时间方面为您提供组织。但是如前所述,事情可能会很忙。随后,课程被取消。老师必须监视其电子邮件收件箱中的消息或手机,以提醒他们取消。由于重要的专业或个人情况,有时学生有时会离开课堂。老师必须为此类活动做好准备,并就学生的时间表做相关笔记。
  • The Commuting:In Buenos Aires, the buses run rapidly all day, everyday. However the train service is another matter altogether. BA transit can be fraught with strikes and mechanical malfunctions. Other cities, such as Caracas and Sao Paulo, have similar issues.

  • 取消:关于最后两点,老师必须意识到取消,这对学生和老师来说都是生活的一部分。最重要的是教师注意到此类事件。语言学院应有一个部门来注册学生对课程的取消,以免教师对他们的薪水受到惩罚。一旦宣布,应向老师发送一条消息,以告知他们取消。无论如何,绝对必要在出勤记录表中保留此记录。
  • The Payments:一些国际老师仍然会从会计办公室或通过纸质支票获得纸币的形式。然而,南美在适应直接存款系统方面已经变得非常现代,语言中心保留了自己的簿记记录的详细薪酬记录。

    As a result, as a teacher you must set up your own direct deposit system. You can handle this by setting direct deposit up with your own bank using your bank account. But if you do not plan to stay for an extended period, you might have to request another payment method. Payment is monthly, and teachers have to produce attendance sheets with notes regarding their students before payment can proceed.
  • The Students:Teaching remotely allows the teacher to meet a wide variety of students. From a teacher’s perspective, this can be fun but challenging. Students often enjoy the one-on-one interaction involved in having their own teacher, but might have a tendency to digress and want to spend more time on conversation than on the future continuous verb tense grammar they were assigned.

    South Americans tend to be social people, and there is nothing wrong with adapting by allowing some time for chit-chat. But the teacher has to stay focused. Having time to talk is good, but be sure to complete assignments that are pertinent. Testing will occur, and students need to complete what is necessary to be well-prepared so that you can keep your job.
  • 政府:南美的大多数国家 /地区只需要护照才能入学,许多国家允许旅行者三个月逗留,通常可以选择扩大他们的访问。其他国家甚至需要签证才能进行基本入境 - 即美国人和加拿大人需要巴西旅游签证。无论如何,根据我的经验,最好准备和观察政府法规。通常,南美的语言中心不提供合同,并在试用期内将教师置于该工作时是否适合工作。When teachers pass the probationary period but wish to stay longer, or if their institute wants to sign them to a contract, it is worthwhile for the teacher to bring all government matters to the institute’s attention in order to ensure employment regulations are met and everything from taxes to work permit requirements are dealt with. Taking the pro-active approach here is necessary and saves hassles.

The Teaching Adventure

For teachers seeking the duality of travel adventure and professional English teaching experience, there might be no better place than South America. But being aware of how teachers work on location while experiencing South America can make a stay more enjoyable and a teaching experience run much more smoothly. When you are working on location in South America, or anywhere for that matter, it is best to be prepared to do your job with no potential problems lingering on the horizon.

Teaching Resources

SeeTeaching English in Latin America: Find Top Jobs划分国家的资源。

SeeTop ESL Jobs in South America用于日常职位发布。

Teaching English in Latin America
Top ESL Jobs in South America

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