外籍写作比赛 2019年竞赛第二名



Penguins on Isla Martillo Argentina
阿根廷Isla Martillo上的企鹅。

If you’ve never been to Argentina, you probably associate it with excellent steak and tango dancing. If you’re going to live there, however, you’ll benefit from a deeper understanding of daily life and culture. So what is it about Argentina that makes it such a fascinating place for long-term exploration?

I went to Argentina intending to spend a couple of months in order to see a few major cities. Instead, I found myself loving places so much I extended my time in many cities and couldn’t seem to feel any desire or find any reason to leave. Strangely, most of the cities are not overly interesting by themselves; it’s nature and sites nearby that you’ll want to see. And the people of Argentina will make you want to stay.


阿根廷的土著人民主要是马普切,尽管还有其他几个部落,例如瓜拉尼和科拉。他们几乎完全被殖民化所消灭 - 一些被武器杀死,但由于“旧世界”的定居者带来的新疾病,许多人丧生。您可以看到土著人民的痕迹,并在Ushuaia等地点了解有关它们的更多信息。





Argentina is 1,073,518 square miles or 2,780,400 Kilometers. It’s big! There are so many varieties of nature, wildlife, and geology that when you visit long-term, you’ll feel as though you are actually inside several different countries.

The south, known as Patagonia, presents some of the most beautiful terrain in Argentina, complete with lakes, mountains, hiking, and penguins. The north features surprisingly high altitudes, multi-colored rock formations, salt flats, and waterfalls. In the land between you’ll find wine, empanadas, tango, cows, and瓜纳科

7湖,Cirauto Chico,Bariloche
Iguazu Falls
Iguazu Falls.

Regions and Cities

You will soon realize that Argentina is divided into regions such as Neuquén, Mendoza, and Salta. Each of those regionshas a city with the same name!So, you may find yourself in Mendoza, Mendoza or Neuquén, Neuquén. When someone tells you where they’re from, it could be the region or the city that they mean. If someone advises you to visit Neuquén, for example, you need to clarify whether they mean the city or the region. If you’re taking a bus for a vacation in Mendoza, make sure you request the schedule to the城市门多萨。


阿根廷人通常是温暖而友好的人。非正式的西班牙“您”被广泛使用。请注意,他们会说卡斯特兰,这要归功于1500年代大部分定居的西班牙移民。因此,“您”一词是“ vos”而不是“ tu”。口音从南向北变化巨大。在南部,我来自“ Nueva York”,但在北部,我来自“ Nueva Jork”。布宜诺斯艾利斯的方言可以通过他们发音“ s”的方式来识别。

Language aside, I often found myself in beautiful conversations with local kiosk owners in many towns. They wanted to know in-depth about my life and reciprocated by telling me about theirs.





It’s virtually impossible not to know about Malbec, even if you don’t drink it. Argentina is the epicenter of this vintage. Interestingly the grape varietal comes from France. When the French tried to make wine from this grape in France it tasted so bad they called it “mal bec,” as in “bad smell.” However, when a small group of French emigrated to Argentina in the mid-1850s, they brought the grape with them. The results were far better when the grape was grown in the Mendoza region, which offers different soil, abundant sun, mountains, and clear air.

无论您身在何处,您都将受到世界上最好的马尔布克的对待。但是,您应该至少在门多萨(Mendoza)度过一个周末,访问各种葡萄园(称为“ Bodegas”),以真正品尝阿根廷葡萄酒。值得注意的是Bodega Salentein(a vineyard complete with a grand piano where concerts are performed amid the casks of fermenting wine) andTrapiche,很容易从门多萨市中心进入。您可以使用Mendoza电车在Lujan中查看葡萄园或葡萄酒巴士, which offers trips to different regions on different days, including Uco, which has the highest rated Malbec wines in Argentina.


如果您愿意避免使用糖,可以得到火腿,奶酪片,然后用一些白面包吃它们。老实说,我发现这些早餐在阿根廷的四个月中很难维持。没有多样性,碳水化合物的基础使我在早上中旬感到饥饿。如果您在家做早餐,您会很容易地发现谷物,但是大多数牛奶都是“假的” - 这种牛奶可以坐在纸箱中几个月,未使用,这总是让我担心化学物质。您可以在超市中找到鸡蛋,但是您将很难找到煎蛋卷或炒鸡蛋作为早餐,您无法进入厨房。



习惯asado(肉烤架),其中包括牛肉,香肠,猪肉,鸡肉和内脏。为了真正的享受,去Tenedor Libre, which is a buffet barbeque minus the barbeque sauce. You go up to the grill area and ask for any meats you want to eat, and you must finish all the food on your plate before getting more—all for about $6. The cooking and spices are so perfect you won’t need any sauce. The one time I ordered a chorizo steak with a red wine sauce at a restaurant it ruined the authentic flavor of the meat.

几乎就像一场垄断游戏一样,您必须每天拿起“机会”卡,今天您昨天支付的肉,牛奶和自动柜员机的价格会更高或更低。在ATM上提取资金是一次冒险。阿根廷银行将您限制为每日$ 100的人均金额,而不论您的每日允许取款限额。您将为每笔交易支付大约5-1美元。一些外国银行允许您为每笔交易提取7,500比索(根据当天的价格在$ 160- $ 190之间),但每笔交易的费用约为12美元。请记住,这些只是阿根廷银行交易费用,不包括您的房屋银行费用。




  • 你的照片(当场的自拍照很好)
  • A photo of your passport
  • 你拿着护照的照片
  • 您希望使用的实际电话号码或带有该号码的塑料卡的照片
  • How long you plan to be in Argentina.



要成为地道的阿根廷文化的一部分,您必须喝耶尔巴伴侣。这似乎很简单 - 最好由木头或南瓜葫芦制成,金属稻草,丰盛的Yerba植物叶子和温水制成。实际上,这是一杯连接。无论您走到哪里,您都会看到阿根廷人在特殊的携带箱子里或在他们走路并ip饮时携带Yerba Mate设备。店主在浏览时会喝伴侣。出租车司机接您时可能会拿着杯子。您将被邀请与完全陌生人分享伴侣。克服任何细菌的恐惧,说是。分享Yerba Mate是将陌生人变成朋友的最佳方式,如果您是阿根廷的新手,那么您一定会想要一些新朋友!如果您发现自己不喜欢这种口味,请花点时间从超市品尝许多不同种类的品味。 Like tea, you can find strong and weak tasting varieties, fruit-flavored, and with or without stems. You’ll have to find your preference. Some people, I learned, find that the stronger blends are harder on the stomach, so if your belly is sensitive, stick to packages that have the word “suave” and you should be fine.

One of my favorite yerba mate experiences occurred as I took refuge from the extreme cold in a tiny town while a friend sought out accommodations for us all. I waited for my friend in the only shop on the street. The shop owner immediately invited me to share her mate. She introduced me to her young son. We spoke about her family, the town, and our lives. When my friend returned, her husband shared his as well and offered to drive us to our hostel! So sharing mate is truly a communal ritual, much more than just a drink. I don’t think you can say you’ve experienced Argentina if you don’t at least try a mate.


您需要检查您所在国家的规则,但是美国人被允许使用90天的旅游签证,这是您的护照邮票的一部分,不需要额外费用。如果你离开国家,即使是去智利,巴拉圭或乌拉圭的一日游, for example, you get another 90 days when you return to Argentina. You can extend you stay endlessly this way, or until your money runs out.




What’s amazing about Argentina isn’t just how big it is, but how many different experiences you can have. You can see and do almost everything in this country, including hiking, boat rides, walking with penguins, colorful mountains, salt flats, beautiful waterfalls, and a journey to the end of the world (Ushuaia). Make sure you take the time to see the many amazing sides of the country.



阿根廷也有微气候。尽管该国的大多数地区在7月处于冷或冷冻状态,但伊瓜祖(Iguazu)全年保持温暖或温和。还要注意海拔高度 - 不仅在秘鲁和玻利维亚,您可以在那里体验高度疾病。萨尔塔(Salta)附近的区域可欣赏到潜在头痛的美丽景色,即使这是值得的。


阿根廷是一个如此庞大的国家。飞行使整个全国旅行变得更加容易,而Aerolineas Argentinas是主要航空公司。如果您有时间,公共汽车旅行便宜且非常安全。您唯一的挑战是每个城市都有自己的一套公交公司,因此不可能了解一个网站上的每个时间表和票价。考虑到这一点,盗版为大多数城市提供非常有用的信息。



Heather Markel

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