Guide to Work, Study, Travel and Living Abroad


Stay Safe But Don’t Stay Home

Zaraha Heckscher (left) with a Musonda friend in Zambia.

经常警告妇女有关独立国际旅行的警告。不幸的是,确实,女性比男性更有可能成为性骚扰和性侵犯的受害者。在几乎每个国家 /地区,我都从一位和平队志愿者的话语中听到了我从女旅行者和志愿者那里听到的,他们从女性旅行者和志愿者那里听到了。骚扰和攻击范围从口头骚扰到粗略的命题,摸索到摸索(尤其是在公共汽车或火车上的人)到极少数情况下强奸。

Sexual harassment is particularly common in the developing world, but women are also targeted in Western Europe. In addition, female travelers face the other dangers that challenge all trekkers: illness, accidents, and, rarely, political violence. After traveling in numerous countries on five continents, I would hate to suggest that women should stay home. But I do urge female travelers to think carefully about safety issues before leaving home and to take prudent steps to increase safety on the road.

Sensitivity vs. Safety

对于海外女性志愿者来说,挑战之一是,我们可能会过分专注于对文化敏感的敏感,并允许我们的人身安全成为第二个问题。东非的一名美国旅行者允许当地的熟人进入她的酒店房间,因为她不想显得种族主义者,并且在他取得性进展时感到震惊。一名志愿者让她的主人父亲在村庄里走来走去时,将他的胳膊围绕着她,他将其解释为绿灯来建立性关系。遵循您对情况的直觉 - 最好冒犯某人的风险,而不是冒着殴打的风险。

You should know that in many places if a woman invites a man to her home he thinks that she is inviting him to have sex, especially if she is a North American. If you do not want romantic involvement with someone, be sure to avoid compromising situations—situations where it would be difficult to get out if you felt endangered.

Remember that there are various ways to respond to harassment. Responses can range from saying "No," firmly but nicely, to screaming, fighting, or running away. Modify your response according to the situation. In some cultures, a simple "No" is a polite way of saying "Maybe." Some situations may require a more forceful message. Women abroad, as well as at home, are much more likely to be sexually assaulted by men they know than by strangers.


Baywatch is the most watched television show in history, and European and American porn flicks are seen by audiences around the world. It is not surprising, therefore, that many people overseas think Western women, including women of color, are "loose." This assumption almost inevitably leads to harassment and misunderstanding. When you fight back against harassment you are fighting years of Hollywood imagery as well.

Unfortunately, you will need to modify your behavior to combat these stereotypes and avoid unwanted attention. Most women travelers act more conservatively overseas than they might at home, giving up certain freedoms in exchange for an enhanced sense of safety. In many cultures smoking, barhopping, or simply drinking beer could put you in the "sexually available" category. I advise you to leave your skimpy clothes at home. In rural areas, tank tops or shorts may be considered inappropriate, as are clothes that show cleavage or belly buttons. Several Africans I interviewed urged travelers to dress modestly and explained: "Your American styles are offensive here and set a bad example for our children." Avoid sexual dancing and flirting. Behavior you might consider normal at home may be scandalous or even dangerous overseas.

There are a number of strategies that women have used to avoid harassment. Some women wear a wedding ring to discourage would-be suitors. (In India, a toe ring on your second toe means you’re not available.) Many volunteers learn strategies from local women. In Mexico, for example, women often sit together, even if they don’t know each other.

Other tips, in the words of previous travelers, include:

• "Be careful about letting your guard down while on vacation."

• "Travel with a group at night."

• "Before you leave home, talk to other women who have traveled in the countries you plan to visit."



• "Females must take care with their dealings with any male older than 14 and younger than 75. I was often misunderstood at first and didn’t realize that plain speaking and looking at a man directly when speaking to him could be misinterpreted as flirting. I learned quickly to be very formal and to always involve several people in any conversation."

• "Don’t be afraid to ask about the security situation where you are posted and find out about any prior incidents that may have occurred in the area."

• "When it comes to your life, you can’t be too cautious."




Common Crime





Compared to sexual harassment, crime, and illness,政治恐怖主义是罕见的American citizens are much more likely to get hit by lightening than to die of overseas terrorist attacks。Still, some choose to protect themselves by sewing a Canadian flag to their luggage and by closely following State Department warnings, which usually err on the side of caution.



Travel tips, tours, and resources for women by women:旅程女人

Health Issues:Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

道路交通安全:Association for Safe International Road Travel


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