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How to Teach English as a Freelancer in Bangkok

Create Your Own Job in Thailand


It is relatively easy to get a job teaching English in Bangkok and this is the path that most people take. However, full time teaching has a number of drawbacks. For one, the pay is low. The typical English teacher is paid between 350-500 Baht (US$10-15) per hour. Hours are typically long, and split schedules are common. What starts as a grand adventure may soon become a grueling drag.

However, there is another way—freelancing. Freelance teachers teach private lessons on their own, typically in their own home or in the home of a student. These opportunities pay more than jobs, are more relaxed, and are usually more fun to teach.

While traditional full-time work is easier to get, a freelance business can be more rewarding. Unfortunately, there are no recruiters or one-step solutions to becoming a private teacher. You have to do the work yourself. This can seem intimidating. However, by observing the following steps, it is possible, within five months or less, to establish a solid income exclusively from private lessons.

Step 1: Live Cheap


The keys to living cheaply are:

  • 找到便宜的公寓。Avoid the Sukhumvit Road area, as this is the most expensive in Bangkok. It is far better to live in a Thai neighborhood. Look on the Thonburi side of the river or in the neighborhoods around and north of Victory Monument. Do not pay more than 4000-5000 Baht per month. See our曼谷廉价住宿:长期租金for more information.

  • Eat on the street.街头小贩提供非常便宜的优质食物。避免餐馆。

  • Forget taxis.Use buses, boats, the sky train, and the subway to get around.


除非您有大量的积蓄,否则有必要从工作开始。实际上,即使有节省,兼职工作也是一个好主意,因为工作是潜在的私人课程的金矿。在泰国寻找工作时,要记住的关键是,第一印象不仅仅是简历。无论您的时尚偏好如何,都像银行家一样穿着面试。一旦找到工作,就可以放松,但要尽可能保守来进行初始联系。查看诸如Ajarn.com之类的网站以获取工作清单,曼谷帖子for classifieds, or stroll into one of the many schools in the Siam/Sukhumvit/Ratchadamri areas.

It is possible to support yourself in Bangkok with only a part-time weekend job. Weekend jobs have several advantages. For one, they pay more per hour. Most teachers do not want to work on the weekends and thus most schools have a constant need for weekend teachers. While normal Monday-Friday hours typically pay 350-500 Baht per hour, weekend jobs pay 500-800 Baht per hour. By working a full weekend schedule it is possible to cover your bare bones expenses with only one or two full days of work! This leaves the remaining five days open for private students.



Instead, consider using "effortless" teaching techniques that emphasize natural learning. Techniques such as Total Physical Response (TPR), are research-proven methods that are both active and enjoyable. Investigate these websites and invest in a few books. Doing so will set you apart from other teachers and their endless "listen and repeat" drills.

Step 4: Add Privates

After a few months of teaching, let students know you are available for lessons outside of class. Some employers have no problem with this—but others do, so it's best to be discreet. Actually, if you establish a reputation as an fun teacher, students will approach you without prompting. In your casual conversations with Thais, let them know you are a freelance teacher. Do not try to pressure or sell them, just mention the fact. I have received many requests for lessons just by mentioning that I was a teacher. With a minimum of effort, you will soon build a sizeable number of private students.

Since you are only working a job on the weekends, you have maximum flexibility for setting up your these "privates". Take an organized and professional approach, treating your private classes as a small business. Try to observe the following guidelines:

  1. Small Classes:最好教三到五个小组,而不是教一对一的私人课程。小组更容易教书,对于老师和学生来说都更加有趣。此外,一小群人允许您每小时赚更多的钱,同时向每个学生收取更少的费用,因此每个人都会获胜。私人课程的典型收费是每小时500泰铢或更多。相反,请考虑为每小时250-300泰铢或更多的学生收取费用,每组至少三个学生。

  2. Pay Up Front:不要养成让学生随后付款的习惯。这很快就变成了沮丧的练习 - 您很快就会感觉更像是一名收藏代理,而不是老师。而是要求学生提前一个月的课程付款。或者,您可以模仿语言学校,并要求学生提前支付十个星期的“学期”。请务必在付款时给学生收据。为了鼓励预付款,您可能会为提前两个(或更多)个月的人提供10-20%的折扣。

  3. Location:There are a number of options for class locations. One option is to teach privates in your apartment. Buy a small table, a white board, and some chairs and you are ready to go. Be sure the apartment is clean! Another option is to teach in a student's apartment. Many students prefer this option. Of course, if this requires a sizable commute on your part, raise your rates accordingly.

  4. Schedule:为了防止倦怠,请从一开始就建立严格的时间表。假装您正在跑步私立学校,问自己:我想“打开”什么小时?我什么时候想要假期和假期?我将教哪些类型的课程(对话,英语,托福,只有初学者,仅高级,成人,孩子),我将不教什么?我每周要教几个小时?坚定而清楚。更好地为自己建立明确的市场要好得多。让潜在的学生确切知道您将教什么以及您将教谁以及您何时可用,什么日子以及什么时间(包括计划的假期和假期)。遵循这种做法,您将您作为专业人士,并将与学生建立信任。很容易抓住随之而来的每一个机会,但是这会使您有疯狂的时间表,没有专注的焦点 - 痛苦的秘诀。 Better to turn down a few opportunities than become burned out and overwhelmed.

Step 5: Quit your job




For More Info
The largest and most comprehensive website for English teaching in Thailand. The site has an extensivejob board,加上有关泰国生活和教学的一般信息,包括自由职业。工作委员会主要包含全职职位,但许多学校也会对兼职或周末的老师感兴趣。最好在寻求工作时亲自致电或拜访学校(保守和携带简历)。泰国人臭名昭著地忽略电子邮件。

A.J. Hogecurrently has a Masters degree and over many years of English teaching experience. He lived and taught in Bangkok, Thailand.

Teaching English in Thailand
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