Study AbroadStudent Writing Contest2014 Contest 3rd Place Winner


Article and photos by Caroline Ludwig

View down on the Münster square in the Altstadt (old town) from a trail to Schlossberg in Freiburg, Germany.

在9月的一个温暖的夜晚,我们在Augustinerplatz喝了Rothaus Brew。我们的脚在涉水Bächle。我们五个人投入了两个5升Flächenthat guarantee free refills at the Biergarten, so long as we remember to bring the Fläche next time we go out. However, for now, we’re five American students who’ve just arrived in Germany to study German and we’re out for a drink in the largest Hausbrauerei near the student hangout city square. We introduce ourselves to a group of students neighboring us along the city’s iconic sewer and chat with them for a while before meeting the rest of the program’s group at Schlappen, in the city’s百慕大岛夜生活和浇水洞的街头三角。


Truth be told, I’ve always loved the sound of German. It’s the official language of the European Union’s economic powerhouse and of the Swiss bank trade. Not only is German the most widely spoken first language in Europe of over 100 million, its legacy is also scattered among other European countries, such as Hungary, Slovakia, Belgium, and Northern Italy. Germany the geographical center of Europe, and it’s a leading player in modern world affairs.






从我的卧室窗户上欣赏Vauban的“ Sonnenschiff”建筑综合体的景色。


Freiburg is a place where 24/7 backpackers are people of all ages, where you can drop by the farmer’s market in the main Münster square between classes for a fresh-grilled Bratwurst lunch, and some Black Forest cheeses and honey for breakfast. The Markthalle in the city’s old newspaper publisher offersGünstig世界美食,而且从来没有缺乏学生俱乐部和酒吧,即使在您自己的学生住房中也是如此。


Selecting a Study Program

I researched two main organizations in order to select a German-speaking location: IES and CIEE. These are two very reputable names in study abroad and a safe guarantee for academic credit approval. While most of the activity is appropriately in Berlin, I was drawn to Freiburg for its active role in environmental innovation and the unique harmony of urban and ecological landscapes. Despite the region’s role in German politics (the only state to have a Green Party minister-president), the collective mentality in the city is not as politically acerbic as in Berlin. Overall, there is an optimistic character about the city. The program’s cultural focus is more future- than past-oriented. Freiburg's smaller size also offers opportunities to integrate more readily with German students.



作为政治科学双专业,我也可以选择欧盟计划。该计划的主要优点是跨大陆旅行,因为案例研究将您带到15多个欧洲国家,并以创建模型欧盟结束。但这是利用我的德国技能并成为弗莱堡的家是当务之急。我能够在周末旅行很多(IES包括周五的周五,从而允许周末旅行)OsterferienandPflingspause—not to mention the week between intensive language courses and the University semester.



When it comes to traveling, it is wise to take advantage of your proximity to Euroairport and Switzerland while you have a home base in Freiburg. The Basel airport is centrally located, and therefore is the only other airport from London that flies essentially anywhere in Europe. AirportBus even provides regular shuttles directly to the airport from the central station—you just must remember the limit to carry-on luggage.



Freiburg’s university and eco-sensibility keep the city young. There is no hiding that the university is the centerpiece. As an IES student, you are automatically subscribed to the University’s International Student email list. It is also easy to find available activities on posters tagged around the university and studentWohngemeinschaft(WG)走廊。

As with hiking and drinking, Freiburg students are also big on visiting the Kino. There is a Cinemax for your Hollywood fill, but all the university students gather at Friedrichsbau Lichtspiele, Harmonie Arthaus, or Kommunales Kino in the old train station in the Wiehre neighborhood to view films. The Mensa cafeteria on campus also hosts outdoor film nights in the summer seasons and viewing parties for thefußballspielen- 您一定会带着SC Freiburg粉丝围巾返回!

我发现进入德国社区的最好方法是加入运动团队(您的IES学生休息室中总是有最新的小册子),参与您的居住社区,或与Tandem合作伙伴找到语言交流。大多数居住区都有酒吧之夜。友好的早午餐一直可用。如果您发现您的Mitbewohners(roommates) aren’t an ideal fit, speak to your program coordinators and they will help you.

我与来自波斯尼亚,土耳其,卡扎斯坦和法国的主要国际学生分享了居留权;我在露台上的住房也很容易见到德国邻居。拥有串联伴侣是结交当地朋友并练习德语的简便方法。您可能还有一个以上的串联伴侣 - 有些学生甚至有四个!

您还有机会实习和兼职工作 - Studentenwerk Portal为国际学生设置了设置。当您不流利德语时,爱尔兰酒吧总是一个不错的选择。在我的计划的帮助下,我在该市主要的生态教育机构之一找到了实习。

What I Wish I Had Known Before Arriving

  • 尽管您可能听到了什么,但并不是德国的每个人都会说英语。您可能必须适应这个现实。虽然当然并非不可能到达,但不要指望用袖珍词典来捡起语言。取而代之的是,只要在您到达时观察他人,就可以尽可能多地熟悉基本的日常短语。如果需要,学习如何使用简化的英语形式。显然,到达前后,在您的德国人工作永远不会有任何伤害!
  • Although I was thrilled to meet new students from across the country who shared similar academic and cultural interests, I found the intimate size of the program to be a bit socially isolating the first few weeks. Use this as impetus to expand your host country circles through extracurricular activities, student housing, tandem partners, or student jobs to keep your social life in a proper balance.
  • 您可能已经被告知,在世界某些地区,美国人被视为不知情,味道差。无论您是来自美国的观点,我相信您应该避免成为“反美美国人”。您可能还希望利用您在德国的时间作为外交机会,向当地人和同学关于多样化的文化和亚文化以及美国人民的复杂性表达自己的观点。
  • 我注意到许多美国学生没有喝酒。这没什么错,这是个人选择的问题,但是德国的饮酒文化比在美国更明智得多,即使是啤酒也是“禁忌的水果”。在一个愉快的下午,在Biergarten享受几个小时是正常的,然后走上路。You won’t find drunken aggression on the streets even in the later-than-late hours, and there is even a night bus system for the weekends (the times are 1:11, 2:22, 3:33, and 4:44—easy to remember after a fun night). Similarly, Americans are often thought of as silly for going so overboard with alcohol. Particularly in a city with a large local brewery and a plethora of regional wines, you might take this chance to open up to a cultural, geographical, and historical outlook that differs from your own traditions.

Caroline Ludwig是德克萨斯基督教大学的政治学和德语的学生。她最初来自德克萨斯州沃思堡,将自己的最后一年带到了德国的尊敬的生态资本,坐落在瑞士附近的巴登·韦尔腾堡(Baden-Württemberg)和法国阿尔萨斯(Alsace)。弗莱堡的生活意味着许多周末在探索黑森林的小径,同时闪耀着这座城市的自行车道和波西米亚风格。由于她在弗雷堡(Freiburg)以及其他各种旅行的经验,她计划在城市设计中攻读硕士课程。

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