Study Abroad 学生写作比赛 2008获胜者



Slowing Down and Discovering the Good Life in Italy

Bologna, Italy: Piazza Maggiore Religious Festival


多亏了外语区域研究赠款,这是美国研究生在美国的公立和私立大学学习的政府赠款,我正在研究意大利的比较文学一年博洛尼亚大学。博洛尼亚是语言沉浸的理想城市FLAS促销是因为与佛罗伦萨或罗马相比,住在这里的英语女性相对较少。这一事实使每天都能达到意大利语,并增强了在新的文化环境中的参与度。这是我的第三次出国留学经验,也是我在意大利的第一次学习,其他人曾在邻国法国。这次我特别选择了意大利,因为我的学术重点是19世纪初期的欧洲文学,特别是我两年前在华盛顿大学开始的意大利研究。申请在意大利学习的另一个动力是,在法国生活时,我拜访了罗马,并爱上了意大利生活。尽管访问一个国家的游客绝不是与住在那儿一样,但在我在罗马的两周假期中,我感觉到居民对生活和简单性的罚款都充满热情。我知道著名的短语la dolce vita,通常在提到意大利时使用,是一种讽刺的电影刻板印象,但其中有真理。不管一个人的经济状况如何,意大利的心态和生活方式都需要放慢脚步,生活在当下,并充分利用生活所能提供的日常享乐。想想凯撒和他的传奇命令,不要在将来信任,而是要抓住一天。这正是我在博洛尼亚一年中计划在学术和个人上要做的事情。

我很高兴我拥有,因为在博洛尼亚有很多需要利用和品尝。例如,我在博洛尼亚大学就读的课程已经满足了我的期望,然后就达到了一些期望。它被认为是意大利的顶级教育机构,是欧洲大陆上最著名的教育机构之一。结果,学生来自全国各地,以及来自欧洲和世界各地的学生在这里学习。这对海外学生来说是一个额外的好处,因为国际关系部门通过该部门进行了直接交流的初步注册,这是非常有帮助的,并且能够很好地回答有关大学系统在意大利如何运作的任何问题。该大学甚至免费提供六周的意大利语崩溃课程,免费提供,除了最先进的全职入学人士以外,所有水平都不同。尽管我实际上没有参加这门课程,因为我还收到了当时需要不同学习课程的夏季FLAS赠款,但我从其他国际交流学生那里听说,碰撞课程在帮助他们克服克服方面非常有用语言困难,并协助他们适应博洛尼亚大学的大学系统和整个生活。夏季FLAS赠款是与学年赠款的单独申请student’s specific concentration — what FLAS refers to as “Area Studies.”


The fact that I arrived in Bologna two months before my classes at the university started was a real gift. During this time, I took afternoon classes daily at a private language school, which gave me a chance to get to know some people as well as to get my Italian in shape before starting University level coursework with native speakers. During my free time I found an apartment and familiarized myself with the city. One of the many pleasing discoveries I have come to find out since moving to Bologna is that Italians are some of the easiest people to talk to I’ve ever met, and they are equally easy to befriend. Perhaps this is because Italian culture requires being social, orsimpatico, 像他们说的那样。这里几乎所有的事情都需要拿一个数字并排队等候(即在药房,面包店,邮局等)。因此,在等待时,人们自然会进行对话。在排队等待时,向前询问下一步该怎么做,或者对我来说是必要的,并且有益于神秘化系统的官僚机构。例如,如何查看图书馆书?并非每个图书馆都以相同的方式运作,因此这并不是一个不寻常的问题,意大利的许多图书馆往往像诺克斯堡(Fort Knox)具有极高的安全性,以保护他们的古董收藏和国家宝藏。一个答案可能是:从图书馆内部在线上方请求,然后在楼上二十分钟内在主办公室等待二十分钟,不久,选定的卷将逐渐流下传送带。最终,有人会叫你的名字。同时,我喜欢与其他正在等待或图书馆工作人员的学生聊天,以便锻炼我的意大利技能。

Learning how to overcome language and cultural barriers is an important step in adjusting to life abroad. Thanks to the internet, making connections with locals has become easier. Many social organizations with an active Web presence have groups in Bologna, such as CouchSurfing, the International Women’s Foundation, and Aegee for foreign students, each of which have opened doorways for me to new friendships with other people living in my city. They all send frequent updates via email to members about what’s going on around town within their groups. I have to admit that I hesitated in joining any of them at first for various reasons (i.e., being nervous about meeting people via the internet, not wanting to speak English too often, or feeling uncomfortable about going to events where I didn't know a soul), but now I am glad I do participate in every one of the above because the payoff has been big. They each host parties and outings and are a great way to speak Italian with locals, meet people of all ages and walks of life, and to see the sights throughout Italy and Europe for little money.

波菲诺(Portofino)与奥吉·博洛尼亚(Aegee Bologna)一起游览。
A boat tour around Portofino arranged by Aegee Bologna.

我这里最亲密的朋友实际上是我夏天上过的私立学校的语言教练。我以前的教练都刚刚毕业,并且非常愿意结识新朋友。他们对我的意大利语也有很多耐心,显然不如他们的快速或流利。与我在当地市场或公共汽车上遇到的邻居聊天,这是与人结识并建立友谊的另一种绝佳方式。我在这里的第一个月被锁在公寓里,去了一个邻居,这样我就可以打电话给房东。这个邻居是一位八十岁的退休律师,仍然在自由职业者工作,此后对我来说已经成为一个祖父的身材。他经常检查我,为我提供有关从如何支付账单到附近杂货店的最佳地点的所有建议,他为我拍摄了如何制作著名的bolognese ragu和tortellini的食谱。他甚至借给我悬挂图片和小刀口来提供我的公寓。同样,当我的公寓里的融合炸毁时,我向大厅里的一个年轻女子寻求帮助,我们现在一起社交。

English as a Valuable Skill



博洛尼亚的人口约为30万,市中心是前中世纪墙壁内的地区,可以通过步行或自行车进行协商,尽管公交系统非常好,而且对于去郊区来说是必要的。我使用这三个。博洛尼亚也是国家火车运输的主要枢纽:所有火车,包括高速驾驶员,都在这里停下来。这使博洛尼亚非常方便前往罗马以北的意大利几乎任何地方旅行。我经常这样做,因为一日游不需要付费在酒店过夜。既然欧元是有史以来最强大的违反美元,我已经找到了通过利用这里节俭的所有节省的方法来节省的方法。博洛尼亚的大多数博物馆都是免费的,并且去晚上Passeggiata,当时整个人口涌入街头,去散步,漫步,橱窗店,并在最新的时尚中看到,也不会花一分钱。便利,之后,大约有七个小时的开胃酒。有时这对我来说就像晚餐一样,因为为了饮料的费用,无限的小吃(即烤宽面条,意大利调味饭,迷你 - 桑德威奇,橄榄,奶酪,切成薄片的水果)无需额外提供,而是站在柜台上坐在桌子旁甚至更便宜。 These customs are practiced throughout Italy and have become some of my favorite pastimes.


在家做饭是意大利吃饭的最佳方式,因为众所周知,意大利美食的高度不一定在昂贵的餐厅中找到,而是在您自己的厨房里。市场上食物的质量令人震惊;绝对一切都是新鲜和防腐剂的。我只是无法获得足够的马苏里拉奶酪,prosciutto,gnocchi和tortellini,所有这些都很容易在家中以小钱作为简单的菜肴准备。The fizzy fruity wines like Lambrusco and Pignoletto are a bang for your euro too, and my newest discovery, since they can’t be found in the U.S. Needless to say, I eat and drink like a queen everyday and I often have friends over to my place for dinner, or go to their places. Then we go out after dinner to walk off the pounds of pasta we ate and fill up again on gelato. I only hope that when I return to the States I can replicate all the scrumptious recipes I’ve learned!


据说博洛尼亚大学是西方世界上最古老的大学。Established in the year 1088, it is renowned for preparing such students as但丁,,,,彼得拉卡, 和卡迪奇而且,最近,由于雇用了作者的雇用Umberto Eco和前总理Romano Prodi,仅举几例。在意大利,教育受到了认真的认真对待,大多数学生,即使是本科生,对经典和历史以及当代理论都有令人印象深刻的知识,并且具有出色的学习习惯。这些课程都是基于讲座的,学生实际上写下了教授说的每个单词,长达两个小时。首先,我遇到了一些麻烦,跟上口语演讲的速度,所以买了一个小录音机,这有帮助,但也意味着早点出现并在演讲厅的前排坐下。

这里的考试与美国不同。实际上,即使是班级的结构方式,一开始就完全使我感到困惑。大多数教授在线或本地副本商店中发布了教学大纲,每个学生都可以从他或她想关注的内容的广泛阅读中进行选择。考试全部是口头的,通常发生在课程结束后一个月到三个月的任何时间。It’s a juggling act to organize my study schedule as a result, but I’m getting the hang of it and even appreciate now the extra time to prepare for the final evaluation since I must know all the materials thoroughly in order to be able to answer the mystery questions. It helped to inform the professors up front that I am a foreign student and to frequent the scheduled office hours in order to get my questions answered, if only just the logistical ones. Some professors will even give foreign students a break and reduce the reading list or allow some of the readings to be done in translation, though this is rare at the graduate level.


作为一名美国学生参加了意大利大学的直接交流,重要的是不要把任何事情视为理所当然。我的意思是,永远不要期望将信息分发carte blanchethe way it is back home in the U.S. At my university in Seattle, I was used to receiving in my hand a hard copy of the syllabus on the first day of the course and to being told by the professor exactly what the class would be reading when. This is not the case in Italy. Sometimes the course pack isn’t available until three weeks into the course, or the readings come at you piecemeal, but you don’t have time to read them at present anyway because you are busy studying for an exam for a course that ended over a month ago. Italian students have no trouble with this system at all, so how can an American student adapt? Ask questions, tons of them, to your professors, at the国际关系office, to other students in your class. If there is something important that you missed during the lecture, ask to see your classmates’ notes. Getting a little extra help this way should be no problem. In fact, as soon as some of my classmates discovered that I am American, they offered to photocopy their notes for me before I had even thought to ask them.

Likewise, pose questions to your landlord or your roommates about how, for instance, to pay quarterly utility bills at the post office, or about how to open a free bank account with the post that doesn’t charge withdrawal fees. Ask directions from people on the street and advice in markets. Italians love to help you out, and even more, they love to chat. Be confident that you’ll be advised about the best place to buy that used bike you need to get around, or which nearby town you should visit on your next outing by train. And get a cell phone, because you’ll be busy with spur of the moment plans for a stroll under the porticos or a coffee break with friends somewhere nearby the main piazza. Last and most important, speak Italian. You’ll get a dozen compliments a day on how well you speak, whether you think it is true or not. A year abroad in Italy goes by quickly, so get involved in activities and just have fun every day. Italians will, in turn, love you for your openness and will think you’re reallysimpatico





The University of Bologna。This institution of higher education is world-famous for law and economics, arts and sciences, as well as literature and classics.
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