
Work Towards a Career in International Development Work

Children in India


Fortunately, one doesn’t have to be Angelina Jolie or a Peace Corps volunteer in order to work and make a living internationally. There are scores of nonprofit, international, and non-governmental organizations (NGOs) around the country (and world) seeking employees that are educated, culturally competent, and able to work collaboratively and as equals with locals on everything from HIV/AIDS prevention to water management education. The organizations vary from small community-based offices to organizations with locations and staff on six continents. Because these organizations are funded through government agencies, religious organizations, philanthropic organizations, and corporate social responsibility departments, they can offer competitive salaries and generous benefits. They may not pay as well as the corporate sector, but you’ll be able to pay off your student loans and eat more than ramen noodles while making a difference and see the world.


Do develop one or two regional foci as early as undergraduate studies.在法语西非或中亚开发专业知识将使您对在这些领域工作的组织有利可图。

Do study the rest of the world, too.There are lots of other places on the globe and sometimes, an organization just wants evidence of your ability to understand current issues in a global context.

Do volunteer or intern for local internationally focused organizations.世界事务委员会,难民团体,文化社会和激进组织都是启动您网络的不错选择。您可能是在职能之前为法国大使授予美国大使的名字标签的人,他可能很高兴听到您最近在格勒诺布尔的研究,并将您介绍给您的妻子,他的妻子一个正在招聘的组织。

Do study abroad.出国留学的选择是无穷无尽的。从英格兰到厄瓜多尔的每个地点,两个星期,六个月,一年,学习语言或雕塑或交易的艺术。在哪里甚至不如您在那里所做的那么重要。克服新文化中生活和学习的挑战将向潜在雇主表明您具有良好的适应和适应能力。

Do pursue higher degrees.Masters and doctoral degrees aren’t essential for working internationally. But they do help build your knowledge base in a particular region or issue, and they give you access to some of the most accomplished and talented folks through seminars, campus events, and conferences. Not to mention the benefits you’ll reap from studying and socializing with international students and scholars. A little small talk and soon enough you’ll be at a fellow student’s apartment learning how to make pirogues or roll sushi while deepening your awareness of globalization or Japanese culture.

Don’t discount any experience.您是哥伦比亚邻居的孩子的保姆吗?您每个星期五都在您最喜欢的埃塞俄比亚餐厅度过吗?您是否在墨西哥跳过了春假混乱的一天来探索一些内陆废墟?让所有人进行对话,并反思您所看到的,听到和感觉到的内容。成为文化存在是迈向任何类型国际职业的第一步。

Don’t be a complacent traveler.在出发之前,研究不同的方法,使其低于一个国家的表面。当然,在南非,参加乡镇之旅 - 但随后还可以私下询问您的指南,是否有可能访问医院去拜访和阅读儿童,或者去学校回答有关您的问题祖国一会儿。同样,这些经历以及您在面试中如何中继它们可能会对面试人员产生最大的影响,并为您带来良好旅行但寿命不佳的人的镜头。

不要假设只有经验丰富的年龄较大的员工会被发送国际任务。年龄较大,经验丰富的员工通常会疲倦,尤其是如果他们有孩子和家庭。更不用说,作为中级工作人员,您可以更便宜得多。在组织的头五年中,我被送往七个国家 /地区上班。


不要忘记语言技能。Foreign language skills can be a critical tool in working with other cultures rather than just in other cultures. But if you are a researcher, or a manager, or a provider of technical assistance, the language skills may be secondary. You’ll likely have a locallybased colleague who can help you with translation. However, you’re not off the hook: learning some basics of the local language will not only show your respect for the people you’ll work with; it can also be a wonderful icebreaker as you struggle with each other’s languages!

For many, making a living in the NGO world is the happy medium between working for a multinational corporation and working in voluntary poverty (both of which are fine and noble callings on their own, if that’s your preference). There are drawbacks, from being at the whims of donors and governments, to long overtime hours, to non-profit salaries, to red tape, but at the heart of many of these organizations is a belief in participatory and collaborative development. Those who work with NGOs know that people around the world are capable of solving their own problems if they are provided with the means, tools, and expertise to do so. By working in the NGO world, you become one more asset in this fight.


Resources to Work for International NGO's

Where to Work?

Washington, D.C. and New York City are the obvious locations for U.S.-based NGO careers, but they aren’t the only options! Atlanta, Boston, San Francisco, and Seattle are a few other American cities with a visible international NGO presence.



Save the Children是领先的独立组织,为美国和世界各地的有需要的儿童创造真正的持久变革。

International Rescue Committeeprovides relief, protection, and resettlement services for refugees and victims of oppression or violent conflict.

Accion International通过向创业的贫困男女提供“微型”贷款和商业培训,为人们提供摆脱贫困的工具。


CAREhas a mission to serve individuals and familiesin the poorest communities in the world. Drawing strength from its global diversity, resources and experience, CARE promotes innovative solutions and advocates for global responsibility.

怜悯军exists to alleviate suffering, poverty, and oppression by helping people build secure, productive, and just communities.

Oxfam International是12个组织与100多个国家 /地区的3,000多个合作伙伴一起工作的联盟,以找到持久的解决方案,以解决贫困,苦难和不公正。

World Learning通过教育,培训和现场项目在100多个国家 /地区促进国际和跨文化的理解,民主,社会正义和经济发展。


General Resources



International Aid Work
International Careers
International Careers Advisor
How to Find a Job with an International Non-Profit (NGO)
On Becoming an International Aid Worker
Aid Agencies Prefer Professionals to Inexperienced Volunteers
So You Want a Humanitarian Job? A Practical Guide on How to Find Work in Disaster Relief

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