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月亮在国外生活in Italy by John Moretti


1999年,当时26岁的作家约翰·莫雷蒂(John Moretti)在佛蒙特州(Vermont)担任小镇记者的工作,在意大利度过了一个长期的假期。像许多访问意大利的人一样,他无法离开自己,因为它爱上了这个国家及其人民。四年后,米兰和莫雷蒂(Milan)和莫雷蒂(Moretti)的几项工作继续撰写了一份全面,实用,诚实且引人入胜的内部人士在意大利居住的内部人士指南,该指南现已在其第二版中发布。

与Moon不断增长的《国外生活》系列中的所有书籍一样,约翰·莫雷蒂(John Moretti)在意大利生活的各个方面都提供了内部勺子,涵盖了从国家历史到各个主要地区,您可能会考虑搬家,到各个主要地区在寻求搬家和生活在一个吸引许多人的国家时,需要进行成功的过渡所必需的每一个实际考虑因素。莫雷蒂(Moretti)以非常对话却知识的风格这样做,使阅读愉快。




Moretti moves on to discuss the varied culture and subcultures of contemporary Italy, including ethnicity and class, gender roles, the central role played by religion, as well as the importance the arts play in the daily lives of Italians—a source of much of the aesthetic appeal and charm of the country and its people.

A Fact-Finding Trip to Italy

在搬到意大利之前,约翰·莫雷蒂(John Moretti)建议为了亲身体验该国各个地区的感觉,进行事实发现的事实。他写道,通过对居住在意大利生活中涉及的许多实际考虑因素有广泛的了解,这将做出一个决定,以推动更加明智的知识。

Daily Life in Italy


In order to live in Italy, it is extremely helpful to learn the national language (which does not include the many regional dialects) and Italy is absolutely full of independent language schools to suit almost any taste, Moretti writes. He recommends learning some basic elements of the language before coming to Italy in order to get a head start. Having some knowledge of the language is desirable in order to attend an Italian educational institution at any level. Moretti describes the educational system prevalent in Italy should you wish to study or send your children to public Italian schools, which tend to be a bit more advanced than the corresponding levels, particularly in math, than in the U.S.



One of the most difficult aspects of life in Italy—assuming you have not been sent by an employer from your home country—is finding work of any kind in Italy. Italy is subject to the same EU restrictions to which all members must comply, and finding above-board work is not easy (though Italy, as Moretti points out, is notorious for its "black-market" jobs). But if you do manage to find work as a non-EU citizen after going through bureaucratic hoops, the long vacations and other perks are enviable. Moretti writes that many non-EU members are now opting for self-employment and freelancing “ranging from Web design to farming.” However, Moretti writes, the majority of working people you will find in Italy are working for employers, and your knowledge of English is a great door-opener. You may find yourself beginning your working life teaching English while developing contacts for what may be higher-paying or what you may consider to be more interesting jobs. Moretti offers tips on writing a resume when you are applying for any position with another company and the paperwork details involved in creating and running your own business in Italy.

最后,要完善有关意大利生活实际方面的部分,莫雷蒂继续描述与金融的交往,通讯(包括避免意大利电视和阅读报纸的告诫),以及意大利运输的许多选择 - 包括初学的道路规则。开车时,道路规则通常是意大利人偏爱的著名手信号的推论,这为每日对话增加了说明性的耀斑。如果您想安全地穿过美丽的乡村的狭窄道路,那么在意大利了解它们至关重要autostrada(高速公路),以及紧密的古老道路或混乱皮亚兹在古代城市中心的核心。

Prime Living Locations

As Moretti notes, “choosing the right place to live in Italy is like surveying a desert cart. Everything looks too good to pass up.” Each of the many beautiful and diverse regions has so much to offer that one must combine the aesthetic feel with the practical considerations of where you can find work. Moretti breaks Italy down into the following cities/regions: Rome, Milan and the Lakes, The Northeast, The Northwest, The Central Regions, and the South. Moretti offers his own impressions while going into detail about the attributes of each region, and his descriptions should help you narrow down your options, even if you will likely wish to visit each of them at some point once you have settled down as they are all relatively accessible via the network of roads both small and ancient and wide and modern.

The compact book concludes with many useful resources and addresses which offer more details complementing all the subject matter covered.

总而言之,居住在意大利的国外是一本简单的阅读,如果您想长期前往意大利,则提供了您需要知道的一切。莫雷蒂(Moretti)让您享受国家和人民的味道,并希望您亲自体验意大利的生活 - 托迪!

有关更多信息,包括本书的摘录以及从各种来源订购的链接 -月亮's Web page on在国外生活in Italy在其良好的新网站上。

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Living in Italy: Key Resources, Links, and Articles

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